Help me understand SL hate

I’m torn on TBCC. The original TBC was such a horrible experience for me because the vaunted “community” that people love to wax poetic about was far more toxic than it is today. I mean, as much as people whine and moan about the M+ community nowadays, that was the ENTIRE community back then. Wanted to run a dungeon for gear? Too bad, grind out dailies for months on end to get better gear than what drops in the dungeon itself and THEN we’ll talk about a spot in our group IF you’re a Mage. If not, don’t waste anybody’s time looking for a Normal Dungeon group unless you’re rocking T5+. Wanted to join a guild? Better spruce up that resume, because it’s easier to get a job you’re underqualified for than to join a guild that regularly wipes on trash because the leader’s brother pulls half the room and then Vanishes for laughs.

But at the same time, the game itself is just so much closer to what I want in an RPG. A constant trickle of little upgrades that builds to big, class defining powers. Gaining power when leveling and improving your gear, even if it’s only just an extra spell cast before having to drink again. Classes with truly unique and useful things to bring to a group. Quests that explore what it means to be a member of your class, that reward you with not only a deeper appreciation of your character but nifty new abilities and gear.

So… Do I play a game that I enjoy and risk relying on people that devalue me as a human being because I have an empty trinket slot (or worse, a Green one)? Or do I let the past rot where it fell, and play a game that only holds my interest because my brother also plays it?

It’s not the worst expansion but has suffered from a few problems:

  • Development is slow on it. Its first patch has gone on WAY too long.
  • The covenant system hasn’t been perfect. Some like it; a lot of people don’t or feel forced into a role.
  • It’s pretty casual unfriendly. If you don’t do rated pvp, 10+ mythics or raid at or above heroic level your gear is stuck around ilvl 200.
  • Worse, if you ARE casual all you really have to do is collect anima. Which is a horribly slow, alt unfriendly mechanic.

For me, the game feels bogged down by all these systems. Like, I’m raelly wanting to return for 9.1 and finally find a raid group and mythic + friends- but like… Everything is a grind, and not in a fun way.

There’s a system for Legendaries, there’s a system for covenants, and from what I understand I have to do the Maw to get better at Torghast?? Not that I WANT to do Torghast, I just have to do that for Legendaries (I think? Or was it conduit energy? Power?).

Honestly though, I think one of the biggest problems (for me at least) are Covenants and borrowed power.

I’m so sick of borrowed power. It feels like Blizzard keeps giving us these temporary gimmick systems that go away in the next expansion therefor basically ruining any point in doing them.

I feel like this expansion sucks because Blizzard keeps trying to do the next biggest thing and ignoring the player feedback because “You’ll love it once we get it right!”

But they never get it right. If they’d get their heads out of their butts and just focus on what they’re good at: Dungeons, Raids, and Quest, and making the classes fun on their own WITHOUT borrowed power, the game would be a lot more fun.

Instead they put all of their effort into things no one asked for, and systems players ACTIVELY asked them to discard and now we have a mess of an expansion.

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I think the main reason I’ve been enjoying TBC is the leveling experience. I’ve never been an end game kind of guy. I’m not willing to spend the time it takes or prove myself to anyone. This is a game, not a job, and when you start having to “apply” to be in guilds or groups, then I’m officially done. I think I’m just enjoying the Belf starting zone, and Ghostlands. I’m enjoying the talents and the choices, and the slower pace of it.

I have a feeling that once I reach level 70, I’ll be done with TBC.


If only thousands upon thousand of players told them how bad and punishing it would feel. Especially for those of us who specifically chose our class because we enjoyed playing multiple roles.

The character identity and meaningful choice “goals” ended up failing horridly and turned into the joke of Shadowlands.


I forgot to mention the absolute worst part. I’ve always had problems with WoW disconnecting on me every now and then, but in the past, it was usually because my internet was down. This expansion though, lately, has had me disconnected like 27 times a day, for absolutely no reason. I’ve tried every solution posted around the internet, but nothing works. And I’m not the only one either. Just look at the replies to this thread of mine:

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There aren’t enough gnomes in SL and I think that is causing some people distress.

there there /gnomehug

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I remember having to write essay’s when applying to raiding guilds in TBC…

I had bad dc issues early xpac, but was fine in 8.3, turns out it was my modem freely switching frequencies causing the problem for whatever reason. It never did that before (as in caused a problem, but in SL it did)

I couldn’t agree more with so many of the replies here. I’ve played faithfully for almost 7 years now, and for me it’s so sad to see what’s happening with what was once such a fun and good game (just my opinion). I unsubbed back in December and just thought I’d try another month… I just can’t do it anymore. My sub runs out in about 11 days, I’m beyond sad about it. I’ve put years and so much effort into this game and I wish it was something I still enjoyed, but I guess it’s time for me to move on :slightly_frowning_face:


There’s so many awesome games out there. Terraria, Subnautica, Valheim, Divinity OS1/2, Path of Exile, Fallout really any of them, Dead Space 1/2.

While not MMORPGs anyone who has not seen these games should really give them a go. Especially now.

Sometimes the feelings a person projects outward is just what they’re feeling inside, and it might not have anything to do with their target.

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Honestly I would enjoy SL a lot more if they have implemented good wpvp content like what they did in BFA. I miss going to whatever zone the pvp quest would send me and just fighting people. Made the world feel more exciting. Now even if I play on warmode people don’t really fight much


They got it right on me. Borrowed power are the flavor of every expansion. Without it, it’s like playing a game without a taste.

I like the 2 legendaries and artifact weapon of Legion.

I love the Essences especially the focusing iris, corruption like twilight devastation and the bad stuff being thrown at you and only you could see it on BFA. It exposes the advantage of the high mobility of my favorite BM Class… we became flavor of the month. Gotta love it.

In Shadowlands, it’s just warming up. I like my chosen covenant so far. And I understand the differences of each of my soulbind and realized the best conduits / talents /legendaries combo on me so far for each situation. I want to see more additional abilities on 9.1 and 9.2.

The expansion is not messy. It’s always like this every expansion. LEARN2ADAPT. WoW is fine to me. It’s not perfect but it is still WoW… the best MMO for years up to now.

SL is garbage - - - plain and simple


The hamster wheel is breaking it can’t handle anymore of this “systems” they keep trying to make mandatory to somewhat enjoy the endgame.

Its pretty much just this. But I’m still leveling alts and trying to make gold in the meantime waiting for the content drought to pass.

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I want to play through the covenant stories on my alt army…I do.

Then I think about having to rescue souls from the maw on each of them for the renown catch up and everything else and…I cant do it. Like physically cant make my hands do it. They just stop.

So I farm old stuff. I cant even finish the renown cap on this toon.

It just…eh…no words

I kinda think the lore is built around the system concepts and not the other way around…having these covenants…and then making it work lore wise. Could be entirely wrong though.

I like the zones and general art overall…except the maw…but…I dont enjoy Torghast. I wanted to though!

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I did it on a few toons and was lucky enough to be able to hang in there to complete all four covenant campaigns… but I totally feel ya there. I am working on my mage now and got him to 60, got to the Torghast intro quest and then logged off for a few days lol.

This is what a lot of people don’t understand. Those of us unsubbing, for the most part, are really sad about it. It almost feels like I’m breaking up with a friend I’ve had for 15 years. I desperately wish I wanted to keep playing. We’re not complaining just to complain. For many of us, we’re venting and trying to cope with losing something we once loved.