Why do Hunters get all the love?

To stay positive, I don’t think your wrong to ask for more fun and special class flavor things for other classes! More cool shaman ghost wolf forms to fit the allied races like a fox form or something could be very cute! And then there could be a way for warlocks to name their demons instead of rolling a dice if they rather, that could be neat. Like an inscription scroll that hunters get for their pets!

I’m starting to realize foreal! All the very colorful mogs I have currently looks sort of revealing and old hehe.

As someone who mostly plays Warlock and has been stuck with the same demons for basically over a decade, only getting a new skin for one as a knee jerk reaction from sexual misconduct lawsuits? Yeah, I’m jelly they always get new pets.

And when Warlocks get a “new demon” in the form of a CD or proc, it usually screws up how we used to play the class (looking at you Darkglare), while Hunters usually plug and play.

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I know that people also say that druids get a lot of special attention, but I am of the opinion that as “shapeshifters” they should be able to turn into more shapes… including moonkins and resto druids. Glad they are updating the little old man tree form model for them. But I always like more options… I like the empowered treant forms they get when talented/in the past.

Demonology never wanted it back on the pet.

And most of the other warlocks wanted it as a choice node. Buzz off.

Dude, we have the thread with the blue apology and all.

Something something “We want to interrupt when stunned”.

No sympathy. You asked for it.

I mean, it only makes sense that new beasts that look unique enough get new families and some families change to accommodate them . . . I mean fel, can you imagine if we only had the vanilla pet families even today? Don’t think ducks count as owls and where the flyin funkwaggle would ankylodons and mammoths go?

You are one of the most disingenuous people I’ve met on this forums lately. Congrats.

Because I don’t let you get away with being toxic to other people’s class about something Warlocks DEMANDED.

Like if Warlocks want kick on pet, they can have it. Hunters are fine with Counter Shot.

Keep telling yourself a lie long enough and you’ll believe it’s true. And the irony of calling me toxic when you think M+ players are all garbage.

Kind of done with interacting with you period. Welcome to a short list, that’s only inhabited by a certain Worgen currently. :wave:


Keep denying you guys literally asked for this.

Because you can’t seem to slip one through without me noticing and correcting ?

Next time, don’t be toxic to another Class.

I mean, plenty of classes have been stuck with the same things for years now. :person_shrugging:

I’m not saying other classes shouldn’t have variety, fel they should, just saying it makes sense on the hunter front.

But yea other classes SHOULD get something.

It would be nice to see Druids get some more Moonkin or Treeforms or something. Kul Tirans and Zandalari got such nice things, but the rest still have the same, outdated poof ball.


I was giving a thought on why maybe there hasn’t been more demons and in a way what they have works because those are the demons we all know exist even after fighting the legion. I dunno, what other demon would you like to see? More demon types would be cool.

Ooooh what if warlocks could “corrupt” a beast and use that! It could turn all nasty and green! But it would have a specific set of ability or something because we already have specific demon types that can assist you with different situation types.

Maybe like use the beasts to “infest” your enemies, could be more AoE heavy pets.

I love seeing Moonkin out n about, so I’m all for any changes that encourage ppl to play balance.

Don’t be shy folks, pull out those thunder squawkers.


I just had a second thought to add on! What if it wasn’t beasts… BUT MURLOCS! :star_struck:

Imp Mother

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Those are quite powerful beings! But all good examples of demons we can’t use yet. :star_struck: I wish they had imp mommas

We already are getting a Pit Lord as Demonology, we can get a Man’ari Lord from Nether Portal and we bound two Man’ari to our will during Legion.

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You ARE so lovable! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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