Why Do Humies Get 8/9 New Hairstyles While Other Races Only Get Like 3?

but only 1 eyecolor. :smile: wtflip. blizz cant possibly be done customizing. haha


That side braid, though…Hypêr…that side braid is life.


i think your side braid is good too, but i agree. thats a nice braid. :innocent:


Well, Meriweather has always been gorgeous, but I’m thinking of my humans. Poor lambs. They look positively disheveled no matter what I do.

oh i came up with some nice ones. i just sat there pushing the randomize button till something caught my eye. it might take a few minutes cause they have that many options now lol

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2 reasons.

  1. Humans are considered boring, this helps give them character.
  2. Diversity for humans on WoW shows blizzard cares about race equality as we now have many options that are not white.

In seriousness, I went into PTR and found the combo I liked best after about an hour.

Human Female
Face: 44
Skin: 16
Hair: Afro Puff
Hair Color: 3
Eyecolor: 7
Eyebrows: Natural
Face Shape: Narrow
Makeup: Emerald
Piercings: Mixed

That’s my new hunter.

but everybody got diversity in skin colors. :innocent: i wanna make a velf drow with dark brown skin, purple eyes and white hair but blizz doesnt wanna give me white hair…so far, anyway. no black hair either. my haircolor options are kinda not so good with normal skin colors, cause velfs are cool toned, whereas normal skin is warmer tones. only solution is to lighten the haircolors to pastel range. they look like gnome colors, but i’m not playing my female gnome. nope. not doin’ it.

i like afro puff too. ever see the movie, 10? starring bo derek? she has really cool braided hairstyle, similar to ancient egyptians. humans need that.

I haven’t seen it. I will look it up though to see the hair.

Honestly, they should’ve deleted half of the garbage hair we have or spent more time fixing it to look nice rather than making a list of new ones. But I like that we have different hair textures to look at, and the anime fans will be pleased with the anime bun style.

I’m just really sad about the human hair not giving us a braid. you know how you latch on to one silly detail and then put way too much weight on that one thing? Well, I did that with humans getting new hair and the potential for finally having a nice plaited style like the KT braid or the one they gave the Draenei. Sigh.

I’ll look up the Bo Derrick hair.


there. i did it for ya

Oh, The cornrow style. Yes. We did get one like that. I haven’t played with it much, but we did get one. Not done symmetrically in the Egyptian style, but very nicely done all the same. It looks fabulous on darker skin and I looked at a few Viking-esque options. If they ever give that style to the dwarves, it’ll be amaze.

this is old star wars galaxies. look at option 34. that was very popular.

some old school synchronized twilek dancing haha

come on blizz. step up.

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I like customization options, and I think new options are important. However, I’m having a hard time understanding what purple eyes would represent?

i don’t know why, it’s almost the same thing that i said here -

blizzard are doing wrong things…again…

and this guy is a “mvp”…what a joke.

What does that have to do with anything?

You don’t need a hair style change. You’re excellent just the way you are. Maybe Blizzard is trying to tell “us” humans something: here, have these, honey. It would really…you, know, just enjoy them (awkward smile)

also, this is important -

why male blood elves doesn’t have this beard options?

arcane magic