Why Do Humies Get 8/9 New Hairstyles While Other Races Only Get Like 3?

yeah i’m jelly of nelf and belf ear size adjustments and forsaken’s npc perfect purple eyes. hehe. but you got ripped. belfs need farstrider and runic tats and dark ranger mods, like red eyes


I absolutely agree. Hopefully they’re not done with new customization options in general cause if they are its gonna be a major disappointment if you’re not a human lol


snazzy! i like the jewelry.

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I mean no, thats why they are furstyles.

More people play Humans and Blood Elves so they get more time put in to them.


Humans are getting more time put into them. 9 hairstyles.

Blood Elves are only getting 3 hairstyles.

And they are more popular than humans!

It should work the way you said it, but for some reason Belves are getting the short end of the straw.

Heck, Draenei are getting 8 hairstyles!

Night elves and humans look like they got the most love so far imo. Just effort wise and imagination put into them, they look great.

oddly, belfs didnt. they only got 3 hairstyles and belf males didnt get even the jewelry customizations that the females did. is blizz saying guys dont wear jewelry? they absolutely do. especially big chunky jewelry like female belfs got. they are almost the only horde race with no tats even though their farstriders were famously tattooed. and belfs have been pleading, on hands and knees, for dark ranger/san’layn customizations. so far, no luck


Well, the human female hair STILL does not include a braid, and the 4,000 old hairstyles for human females still don’t fit the model’s head well enough or have texture done nicely enough for anyone to like any of it.

All of my humans going forward will be gingers or dark-complected ladies with the afro puff hairstyle because it fits the model, is well rendered, and looks like it belongs on their heads.

The space goat trollops, of course, got all the good hair.

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you should see kul’tiran hair on other races. its wonderful. the textures are high quality


Thank you :blush:

Because apparently when you play an online fantasy MMO RPG the best thing to roll is human…

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If they gave us that glorious Kul Tiran chignon style for humans and other races, I would be ecstatic.

if its the one i’m thinking of, then i agree. blizz should just give that style to all females. its that good lol



It’s by far my favorite, and I keep trying to roll a Kul Tiran and like her just so I can look at that hairstyle on a toon. Alas.

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haha. i mean i get made fun of for rolling elves, which are called just pointy eared humans lol but at least i can braid my hair with my eyebrows :innocent:

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What sort of is disappointing is the best new hairstyle for blood elves had to have a crown on it. I hate how the crown looks but like the style. Looks like Elsa from frozen.

EXACTLY! They jacked up the best hairstyle with a flippin’ tiara. WTH? My chickie is a rogue. She’s a savior of the world who runs in leather through rough terrain.

I mean. I don’t get this new expansion’s obsession with jewelry. Who asked for this?


yeah, so you need to find every post about belf customizations on here, on reddit and on twitter, and express that so the devs/wow artists dont miss it.


I don’t braid my hair with my eyebrows, I just pluck them off and use them as weapons when i forget my daggers. Those things can pierce through anything.

Also Belf customization’s suck I hope we get some better hair colors and styles, along with scars and tattoos. Not all of us hang around Silvermoon to high to realize we even fought in a war, while trying to out pretty each other.