Why Do Humies Get 8/9 New Hairstyles While Other Races Only Get Like 3?

Human males got 8 new styles. Human females got 9.

Blood Elf females, which you would think would be the most hairstyling inclined people on Azeroth, only got 3.

Y u do this Blizzard?


Because we’re special.


Finally, someone addressing real issues.


No IRL BE to complain about representation


My mother says I’m special, yet I’m only getting 3 new hairstyles.

Well, at least their names are awesome lol

  • Demon Lock

  • Demented Quiff

  • The Wizard


Human potential.

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But I got that too :frowning:

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Well at least your cousins the Night Elves are finally one upping the Belves.

It prompted me to make my first night elf character ever.

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Have you seen the human males? Eight hairstyles has to be an apology.


The real question is why they’re working on the human’s hair when they should be working on the human male’s face and animations.


You lost that when you become a zombie. Now you have brain eating potential. You need some unique brains to eat to get unique styles.

Because they’re meanie heads.



No. I got Undying Human Potential!

We Undead were created to protecc the afterlife. We got that big protector vibe going on! :sunglasses:

In general, blood elves feel like they got shafted involving customization this go around. The males got even less than the females, and didn’t even get something prompting a second page of customization. They don’t even get something like male versions of jewelry such as chains, or bands.

I dunno. This feels like bad juju. They were so focused on grandfathering in skins for void elves and fixing void elves for a player base that didn’t even want them in the first place that the actual customization possibilities for people who enjoy playing Horde aligned elves feels like it suffered immensely. Not even tattoos or runic work like on the BC box art.

Edit: To clarify, the “player base that didn’t even want void elves” is the high elf player base. I fully know void elves have a player base that wanted them / demographic which wanted more for them that liked void elves actually being void elves.


Their customization pool mcforged.

Hey Mortis, have you seen what the Pandaren get? Almost nothing compared to all other races.

In regards to humans, their customization is limited so i am assuming thats they they bloated the hair styles to make up for being boring.

I main a human MUAHAHA…ha.

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They can’t focus on them. That would be pandaring.


If you want more hairstyles the Alliance is here waiting for you.

Humans are easy to design for tbf.