Why Do Humies Get 8/9 New Hairstyles While Other Races Only Get Like 3?

Mortis,had you seen what i want through you’ll understand why.

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How so? doesn’t like that good or something?

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Hit the nail on the head.

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Poor neglected race. No wonder no one picks them.


Likely because a lot of the human customizations were based on adding ethnic related features that wouldn’t really mesh well with other races is my guess. Or humans are just the ones it matters more for PR.

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At least you guys get actual hairstyles. Look at the worgen hair styles. LOOK. CAN YOU EVEN CALL THESE HAIRSTYLES?!

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Yer a wizard, Mortis, and a thumpin’ good one I’d wager.


Human bias…

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But then you died.

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Just be grateful that they’re not replacing half the named blood elf NPCs with pod people and telling you that you’re racist if you think it’s weird.

Great, now you’re making me wonder if they’re going to update the blood elf npcs, considering we also got “racially diverse” options like darker skin.

Then again that would require them revisiting Silvermoon, and we know they don’t mess with Silvermoon.

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human females will have 35 hairstyles going in to shadowlands. haha. get this get this-- they have 26 different eyebrow options. :smile:

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They’ll add more in future patches.

Come back in 9.1 / 9.2 when nelves and undeads get a gazillion while humans don’t get anymore new ones

And then the forums QQ about it some more :joy:

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I agree… Some races really made out with these new customizations and others not so much. Blood elves at the very least look incredible with the darker skins and our eye colors, plus the unique hair colors. It can make for some beautiful combinations.

Others I would argue made out very poorly, looking at the goblin and the Pandaren. Draenei men came out poorly having their head crests locked to hair style again and a stubby tail.

The gnome males made out like kings compared to the women gnomes. Eek.

Overall I’m happy with the blood elf options.

There are others that deserved way better than they are receiving.


no doubt. female gnomes are yuck. blood elf males need more. blood elves should get red eye option and farstrider tats. they are on a faction where nearly everyone has tats


at least you got the npc purple eyes. void elves got some cheap knock off. lol and you also got the npc red eyes, something blood elves have been begging for since forever.


That’s probably one of the reasons I don’t care to have tattoos for a blood elf. Everybody has them. The excessive amount of jewelry looked neat to me. The rune idea is great too.

At this point I’d take glitter over tattoos haha

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oh but you gotta see how cool belfs look with tats. sometimes when stiven, the dataminer guy at wowhead, scrolls thru the belf folder and briefly shows tats on belfs, they are gorgeous. listen, belfs look good in everything and they do tats better than anyone else.


I don’t doubt it. I will have to look around for some pictures then.


The level of improvements the Humans received should have been the standard treatment across the board for each of the core races. Get creative, Blizzard, I know you have it in you.