Why do Horde races want to be in the horde?

So … why do Horde races want to be in the Horde, eh?


Your reading comprehension is sub optimal, lmao.


Find another joke and stop being a broken record. Also still not answering my question.

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That’s cause you’re saying that I said things that I didn’t say. You’re either not comprehending, or you’re just lying because your argument is so terribly wrong and awful that you literally defended the us prison system to defend the idea of breaking orc spines and forcing orc children to fight.

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And you defend an organization that reveled in killing children…several times.
Again, what do you think is the punishment/atonement that would be required for the Alliance for what happened in the internment? And what in turn should the Alliance do to an organization that killed kids and literally freed people who killed children?

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See? This is what I mean.
You’re either not understanding what you’re reading, or you’re making stuff up.
Sad thing is both are equally likely to be true.

Better question is, why won’t you simply just answer the question? Instead of dodging it?


They have to deflect like this. They can’t give an alternative solution because the only other reasonable solution was to kill them all and they don’t want to admit it, especially since that would mean the Horde would be erased from the present.

They have no evidence that any Orcs beyond Thrall were forced to fight.

And they have to ignore that the Horde has a much more robust history with slavery, both before and after the camps.

They need the Alliance to be imperialists to fit their narrative of “a family of misfits fighting against the world”, even though everything in the lore points to the Horde being the imperialist slaver faction.

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Because this isn’t an alliance whine cry thread and he regularly tells lies.

This is a horde whine cry thread.
Please go alliance whine cry in your own alliance whine cry thread.


So you don’t have an answer. That’s all you had to say


There are a million billion alternate solutions.


It’s very telling the type of person you are that you need your hand held to find a correct course of action about slavery.


I legit don’t know why so many Horde players have literal amnesia over how the Orcs literally colonized and committed a genocide against Humanity as the original sin.


The real question is how many orcs died to build the alliance Burma railway between Stormwind and Ironforge?


I think that (fortunately) no one but gnomes died making that.

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Kosh’harg NPCs confirm this happened anyway.


What exactly did they say? Dont have an orc and I dont feel like leveling another toon.

I find it hard to believe that you aren’t aware of the point that they were enslaved by Legion. But I’m not here for that.

I can’t help but wonder what “original sin” means. Does it mean every Orc today, even those who never suffered the enslavement by the Legion, can now be held guilty? I don’t think assigning racial guilt makes the Alliance noble.


No one ever said it was okay, you’re putting words into people’s mouths. No one here condones slavery.

Who!? How many!? We know Thrall, is there anyone else? Because they seemingly didn’t even have any other Orcs for him to fight, they were all lethargic.

So we have ONE slave, from a corrupt official, who fought other humans and animals.

So when I hear “tHe AlLiAnCe EnSlAvEd ThE oRcS”, it sounds like nonsense to me. 99% of them were imprisoned, and a handful, and a handful is being generous, were enslaved to fight for a corrupt noble. Meanwhile the Horde have enslaved Kobolds, Ogres, Elementals, Leper Gnomes, Gilneans, and more.

The options were kill them, imprison them, or let them go. You kill them and it’ll be called genocide. You let them go and you’re called an idiot and have to deal with an army of Orcs later anyway. You imprison them and you can decide what to do later if you don’t want to keep them there forever. Those were the three options, if you have a million more please name them. Keep in mind the original intention was to reform the Orcs and have them join the Alliance eventually. One noble did his own thing though, so the Alliance is evil, insert laughing dracthyr icon.

They drank the blood willingly. And the best part of WoD is blizzard confirming they would’ve done it anyway without the Legion.


Why do you feel that way about WoD? Personally I thought it was hugely disappointing because I felt it ruined what little fig leaf there was for the story trying to give the faction some sympathy in its attempt to revamp it for WC3, undercutting itself.


Let’s not forget the Orcs massacred draenei men, women and children, and paved the Path of Glory with their bones BEFORE even drinking Mannoraths blood.

But people wanna cry because a bunch of crazed alien invaders tried to kill off the native azerothian races and when the orcs lost, were rounded up instead of being slaughtered like some of the other leaders wanted.