Why do Horde races want to be in the horde?

It’s already been proven that the Orcs who were corrupted by demonic influence were also the one’s suffering from the lethargy: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Lethargy_of_the_Orcs#:~:text=racial%20withdrawal%20from%20the%20volatile%20warlock%20magics

And can we please stop lumping the Horde as if they’re some sort of singular entity? Or that there was some sort of singular event where they were all just simply rounded up in one go? The underlying mentality of that is quite problematic because it shows you’re not trying to understand the timeline of the conflict and the different variables that were at play.

Blackrock: went back to worshipping demons https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Blackrock_clan#The_Third_War

Dragonmaw: leader was literally using the demon soul https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Battle_of_Grim_Batol_(History_of_Warcraft)

Frostwolves: went in to hiding and have a notable history of rejecting demonic worship https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Thrall#Liberation:~:text=accused%20the%20Frostwolves%20of%20hiding%20away%20in%20the%20mountains

Bleeding Hollow: implied to be fully captured

Warsong, Shattered Hand, Thunderlord and Laughing Skull: This one is a lot more complicated cause Grom only invaded after the events of Tides of Darkness, and we don’t know much about what happened to the other clans.

Warsong (again): They seemed to still be fighting to some degree, but this is the only one where there’s no clear evidence of any form of demonic worship (post Beyond the Dark Portal and pre Ashenvale).

By the time we get to WC3’s Prologue, they were already captured. And given your propensity to not want to accept things without definite proof, then I think it’s just as fair to make the claim that the Warsong clan was in fact suffering from withdrawals which is what made their capture possible:

And yet a case like Thrall happened. Where Aedelas Blackmoore was deliberately training Thrall to lead the Orcs to become part of his own army to take over the Alliance. If a despicable man like that could think of some sort of strategy that could result in his personal gain and giving the Orcs some sort of autonomy then why couldn’t the so called greatest minds of the Alliance find a better solution?

And may I remind you, Antonidas and the Kirin Tor had already identified that the Orcs were corrupted and influenced by demonic magic and decided “well it’s their issue to deal with.”

Their ignorance and unwillingness to understand and work with the Orcs is what led to the rise of the Scourge, and them being the victims to the very same Burning Legion that the Orcs were victims to. Even after Medivh warned them.

I’m honestly so sick of this narrative and terminology. It also shows an underlying issue where you don’t understand how different societies develop in proximity and relation to the available resources/climate/conditions/proximity to trade/knowledge diffusion etc…, and that just because a society does not fit with the world view that you were raised in that it somehow makes them ‘savages’ or somehow have the inability or incapacity to develop in such a way even if they had the same access to those resources.

The Orcish clans did not have the same access to knowledge or magic like the Humans did. And the Humans only gained access to this because of the High Elves during the time of the Arathor Empire. They had a millennia to develop without a major existential threat threat (since the Troll Wars had ended). This would’ve obviously led to a lot more refinement in terms of social stratification, knowledge transfer, agricultural advancements, animal domestication, development of cultural values, art/music, and such.

Compare this to the constant state of war that Draenor was in. If it wasn’t rock or plant elementals trying to kill the Orcs, it was the Gorian Empire. And if it wasn’t that, then it was some sort of disease like the red pox.

Then, the Orcs were specifically targeted by Kil’jaeden after being discovered by Talgath due to how Velen and the rest of the Draenei had settled in Draenor. Again, something completely out of their control.

The Orc clans neither had the time, resources, or access to develop culturally in the same way that the Human and Elven kingdoms did. And despite that, they developed a shamanistic culture that the Gorian Empire wanted for themselves. Imagine what the Orcish Clan (or likely Empire) would’ve been like if they had a millennia of peace?

Just explore your logical inference for a minute. If the Orcs truly were out to destroy civilizations, then how on god’s good Earth did they manage to live peacefully with the Draenei until the Burning Legion’s influence? How were they capable of trade and friendship? Especially when they were given the opportunity to do so.

I feel like a lot of people constantly forget that the entire premise of WoW is that hatred breeds hatred, and that it’s the ignorance of that that makes you vulnerable to your own eventual destruction. The Human Kingdoms could not find a better way to deal with their hatred, and it led to the fall of Lordaeron. Then the Horde and the Alliance could not resolve their hatred and it led to multiple other wars with countless of lives lost.


Because they weren’t originally that- they only became that AFTER the Legion corrupted them. I actually agree 100% with your argument ‘against’ me.


While all the orcs were suffering from the effect of demonic withdrawal, it was the capture orcs that were experiencing it the most precisely because they could not fight! Thrall did mean the Warsong and for the most part they seemed ok, and that is partially because they could keep fighting.

Because there was something that tied them all together(except the Frostwolves) and that is them ALL drinking the blood of Mannaroth.

Because again, Thrall was not affected by the Lethargy because he did not demon blood and the only solution at least as per Antonidas was a “spiritual one” and something the Alliance could not actually provide/had no way of knowing how to.

This isnt even true…Lordaeron fell because the Scourge had insidiously managed to infect its population both with the Scourge plague and its cult that fed on its war weary people!

I would also point out it is precisely because of the grace of Lordaeron that there are any orcs left at all considering quite a few nations had just wanted them all dead in the first place. In fact an argument could be made that it is precisely because of them not being ruthless enough that ultimately sapped the Alliance strength and unity.

Casual reminder than Zerde believes it’s okay to enslave people, and that the US prison system is just and correct.
There is absolutely no reasoning with him.


Not at all what I said but thank you for being a reactionary that decides to dumb down every argument to try and poison the well. As I mentioned earlier the US prison systems failure is its profit nature. Having said that, forced labor as a form of punishment is logical and general speaking less horrible then say executions.

Lastly, it not slavery and was literally given as an exemption in your Thirteenth Amendment(Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction)

And honestly, for the most part the Alliance didn’t even force the orcs to work because you know, Lethargy and all.

Or there was never a right answer and Warcraft, just like the real world forces everyone to chose the best answer to a question forced on them.



God the absolute nonsense we’re forced to witness when on this forum


Coming from you, I’ll take that as a compliment.

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I feel your statement contradicts itself with the amendment you post: it has to be slavery, or else it wouldn’t exist to be made an exception for crimes. And “paying for your crime” should just mean incarceration, or rehabilitation. But prisoners aren’t being put to work in order to give them skills to reassimilate into outside life; they’re just there for the near-free labor.


It’s not about who “belongs” in prison in the first place, but the injustice of the system itself. They’re incentivized to have as many prisoners as possible, because it means they make more money. And that’s already a bad perspective to have when you’re dealing with stripping away rights. Like for example, the guy who got 25 years to life in prison for stealing a piece of pizza. Or when vagrancy laws get enacted to arrest people for being homeless.

It’s tempting to be dismissive when you think of the worst of the worst of people who you’d expect to be imprisoned (though I’d question if drug addicts deserve to be put in that same category) but innocent people get arrested, too.


Or maybe certain individuals who either scam people of millions/billions that ultimately cause entire banks to collapse?

I think its more like “it has the hallmarks of slavery, but we don’t consider it slavery” type of deal.

Hence one should remove the for-profit element and make it something only governments control.

They’re vile too and have caused untold harm to millions of innocent people

Of course. I’m aware that the system doesn’t always work and there are people in jail who don’t belong there. Like Zerde said though, if we got rid of the For Profit system that’s in place, it would go a long way to fixing the problem of keeping jails full for the sake of making money

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Anyways, moving back to the warcraft side of things. I think it would be nice if we actually did see the prespective of both the Alliance/Horde more on the internment camps in an ingame setting(a la that Dragonmaw orc dude in Dragonflight)

Like maybe have some Alliance guards of the camp/survivors from when Stormwind was destroyed be forced to talked with orcs who were in those prison camps.

The prison profit complex successfully sued the US government for not providing them with enough prisoners.

Additionally, Zerde literally used the US prison system as an example of why it’s okay to use prisoners for slave labor.


Also given Orcs reach adulthood at 13 years, at least 1 generation of Orcs was born into slavery lmao

Deeply unserious people with deeply unserious takes


Baine and Mayla are definitely next to be married. Lor’themar and Thalyssra risked death planning the rescue of baine from Sylvanas in bfa. Baine is almost universally liked and respected and he’s really only “friends” with anduin and well Jaina now since he rescued her brother. The Horde needs races like Tauren and Nightborne who aren’t constantly foaming at the mouth for murder

Fell of my chair and accidentally swallowed a cat.


But we’re talking about why Horde races want to be in the Horde. It’s not going to matter to them if the Orcs deserved it or not. Those races just look at the Alliance and go “Well, the last Horde race they were in charge of, they basically imprisoned the entire population.” and then immediately rule that out as an option.


Treng: Horde thread about horde characters not interacting with or having opinions on horde characters.


Sure bud. Suppose we’ll just ignore 90% of WoWs lore than so you guys can have a imaginary moment where the horde actions haven’t affected the alliance in some shape or form and where the horde can pat each other on the back and pretend how good and non genocidal they are

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What does the price of cinnamon in China have to do with baine having no opinion on Lorthemar, Thrall, or Rokhan?