Why do Horde races want to be in the horde?

Of course not. That seems to be just those who drank Mannoraths blood specifically. Without the constant fel energies from the Warlocks, the blood was flushing itself out of their systems, their battle lust slowly waning and eventually they just lost the will to fight.

The kids that were just artificially aged up were most likely bound to the Shadow Councils will. Later generations like Thrall, though they had the green skin still, weren’t suffering because they didn’t have the demon blood affecting them.

It’s really basic lore for those who were actually paying attention

That is because none of the frostwolves drank it…and even then their skins were affected.

Which is not the type of withdrawal we have. As an example, elven kids were affected by the sunwell imploding.

The elves are an entirely different subject overall.
Not to mention the Sunwell being an entirely different thing.

The Elves are closer to the frostwolves, they do not drink from the Sunwell, but they are affected by a strong, exterior power anyway.

We can hardly make a comparison between the two. We could if the elves had ever drank frm the sunwell, but they never did.

The best argument you could make with that comparison, is that the elves’ use of magic tapped their “mana” reserves, so to speak, but the SUnwell “filled it up” again, which would affect them. How they got that connection in the first place, is weird, because as said, they never drank of the Sunwell.

Their scenario is an entirely different thing.

The orc lethargy only affected those who drank the demon coolaid, that is what we know.

I thought it was a combination of fel withdrawal and mass depression that destroyed their will to live? I know I’m just theorizing here, but I would’ve thought that if it was solely due to fel withdrawal, Thrall wouldn’t have been able to inspire and rally any of the older orcs to freedom.

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Sounds like the same could be said about your comparing real world withdrawal to magical one.

Abit. I mean the answer as per Antonidas was a “spiritual” one. So technically Thrall trying to inspire them might have been part of said cure. Now where the two meets and ends up kinda hard to confirm.

The story was written by someone of the real world.

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Thrall did succeed in that. Drek’thar suggested that the orcs’ reliance on and the loss of fel created an ‘empty cup’ so to speak. I can not remember exactly what Drek’thar mentioned, it is somewhere in the ‘lord of the clans’ story. He suggested filling it with shamanism, back to the roots!

We also know that Grom was not as harshly affected as other orcs, despite being one of the first orcs to drink the demon coolaid, which does indeed suggest a spiritual lack as well.

And again, we saw the elves, with “withrawals” that did not function the same way as the real world.

Because it was withdrawals as we understand withdrawals.
The elves were addicted to the magic the same way that the orcs were addicted to the demon coolaid.

The thing we can say here, is that the orcs were raging alcoholics.
And the elves did the sniff-sniff.

We don’t really know how the elves’ addiction to the magic came to be.

It was an addiction/withdrawal that affected everyone. Regardless of age. The same is probably true with the orcs. That simply having parents that did drink the blood tied them as well/caused the lethargy in them as well.

That is not what we are told.
We also do not know if the fel orcs even had kids throughout the wars


I thought blood elves were more akin to crack babies, though. Being around the sunwell for so long, the race evolved a dependency that new ones were being born into, regardless of whether or not they’d use magic themselves when they got older. The connection was just an intrinsic part of them, and they became mass poisoned by dark magic once Arthas corrupted it, leading into a form of starvation and withdrawal once it had to be shut off.

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In the fullness of time they’d probably have been wiser to chalk the blood elves’ eye color change down to this incident, and not fumble about with vague allusions to fel magic most of the race neither knew about nor actively absorbed. It’s ancient lore at this point but still messy to look back on.


I actually think that they handled it about as well, or possibly even better, than could be expected under the circumstances, even accounting for the abuses. It simply shows the limits of any one man’s power, even a king’s. Terenas was vastly more merciful than almost any other man in his position would be, honestly considering that the orcs who’d butchered and burned their way across Azeroth were themselves victims of a sort and could be restored to peaceful nobility if given the chance to overcome their fel addiction and it’s side effects. The fact that 1) he could only do so much to personally make sure that the people in charge of camps were actually using them to try rehabilitate the orcs instead of taking what petty revenge they could upon their defeated enemy and 2) that the writers of WoD and BFA had such a massive, massive love bone for the WC 1&2 Evil Horde that they wrote stories proving in-universe and out-of-universe that orcs ARE completely irredeemably stupid self-destructive bloodthirsty warmongers are not his personal fault.

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So hang on … are you saying these orc renegades were marauding while being affected by lethargy? They don’t sound very lethargic to me if they were constantly attacking the Alliance.


More like any non marauding horde were affected. That in order to be affected by the lethargy you had to have been one of the orcs captured.

So you have orcs captured that won’t do work.
and orcs free trying to kill you.

Neither are good for rehabilitation purposes.

You could make that case for the older generation—the orcs who came from Draenor and participated in the invasion. But their children, Thrall and others of his generation, had committed no crimes. Yet they reached adulthood and were still imprisoned, and no one apart from Antonidas was even thinking about taking any steps to rectify that. There was lots of room for improvement in the way the Alliance handled the whole situation, IMO.

What’s the alternative? Take them away from their parents and have go to special schools where humans raise them with proper, civilized, human values? Cause THAT’S not harkening back to some RL bull#### that went on…

Actually, lemme be slightly controversial, that might not have been a bad story idea IF it clearly had been a deliberate reference to said RL bull####. The Alliance genuinely thinking that they were doing ‘the right thing’ to help the ‘ignorant savages’. Though, OTOH, deliberately comparing the orcs to various native people who got culturally genocided may be offensive in itself, given that the Orcs clearly WERE evil bloodthirsty savages out to destroy civilization, something that is vastly obviously NOT true of the native Americans/Canadians/Australians.

…it could be done well, but not by the level of talent Blizz generally employs.


I listed a few upthread. The main point is that nobody seems to have even been trying to implement a better solution, except maybe for Antonidas, and no one appears to have been listening to him. And they had many years to think about it. That’s what I mean by room for improvement.

Zerde is wrong.