Why do Horde races want to be in the horde?

I take that to mean that anyone who drank and their kids born after they drank was affected.

It wouldn’t affect the current population because as per Antonidas the solution was already found/administered to the general orc population, that they have experienced a “spiritual reawakening”.

There is no lore statement for any born kids being affected.
All that has ever been stated, is that the orcs fell into lethary because they could not replenish their fel stamina.


There is no lore stating the kids were not affected. The lore has always been the orcs as people, fell into lethargy. It didn’t state any exception.

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But you should not resort to headcanon.
It is quite clear that kids are not affected.

And the lore is, as I explictedly stated, that orcs fell into lethargy because they could not replenish their fel stamina.

It is outright stated that having drunk the demon coolaid was a requirement in this.


orcs, as in all of them. It didn’t go “only older generation orcs” orcs as in the general orc population.

I am not.
It says

… orcs fell into lethargy because they could not replenish their fel stamina

By current WoW timeline, it would be the older generation.

But in order to “replenish” you would need to have had taking in something first. Should not shift the meaning of the word either, nor use headcanon.

Those who drank the demon coolaid, fell into lethargy, the meaning could not be more simple, there should be no room for confusion whatsoever.


Oh please be quiet for the sake of everyone that does not put you on ignore.


Or you can put me on ignore?

Researching what little he could find of orcish history, Antonidas learned that the orcs had been under the crippling influence of demonic power for generations.

Antonidas theorized that the orcs’ communal lethargy was not actually a disease, but a consequence of racial withdrawal from the volatile warlock magics that had made them fearsome, bloodlusted warriors.

This ends that debate, it says GENERATIONS with an S. So, yeah it mean it wasn’t just those who drank Mannaroth’s blood but anyone else who was birthed from such a person. And that it was “racial” ie, the entire race was affected, not just one generation.

If Baine becomes Warchief that could solve the issue of losing the iconic position, which is the direct balance to High King, but could also solve the issue of Baine appearing as an Alliance lover. If he is Warchief they could focus on his development and we could really see why he works with the Alliance, but also have more of a chance for him to show his support of the Horde.

Antonidas theorized that the orcs’ communal lethargy was not actually a disease, but a consequence of racial withdrawal from the volatile warlock magics that had made them fearsome, bloodlusted warriors.

Yes, the orcs had been under demonic power for generations, the entire Draenor era, first war and second war did not just go by a single year.

The draenei settled on draenor 200 year prior to the first war, and it was around their arrival that the legion found draenor - where the orcs was then manipulated and corrupted.

You omitted details from your link.

There is nothing called ‘generational withdrawals’

So as I mentioned. Orcs who drank the demon coolaid fell into lethargy.


It is called “racial” as in the entire race.

…you know that is wrong, right? That while the Genedar crash landed 200 years prior, Talgath only discovered Draenor 12 years before the dark portal opened(the holy waves were effective only detected by him a hundred years after and then it took almost another hundred years for him to find Draenor)? And he was specifically ordered by Kil’jaeden to only observe at first, with the actually corruption of the orcs starting when Ner’zhul made his pact with Kil’jaeden.

Now you are reaching.
It did not affect the humans, it affected the orcs, yes, it was a racial lethargy.

Regardless, the entirety of the draenor-corruption era, first war and second war did not happen over the span of just 1 year.

There is room for atleast three generations of orcs who drank the demon coolaid.

If they were not frostwolves.

Huh… frostwolves and High Elves have a lot alike. Both exiled for not agreeing with the majority of their peoples.

How the heck did you Segway to humans here?

It was at best 25+ years as per Chronicles. Draenor all the way to when Thrall was freed. And again, drinking Mannaroth’s blood was a one time thing. Mannaroth did not keep spilling his blood for the orcs.

You wrote racial.
Appearantly I had to explain what ‘racial’ would mean in the context.

Certainly, but his blood was in their veins, they had warlocks. As Grom shows it, Mannoroths blood bound the orcs to him, and they required fel.

Also, withdrawals do not go in generations, in order to feel withdrawals, you would have had to take in some kind of addicting substance.

We also should remember, that Gul’dan could magically age orcs.

Not to mention, orcs just being NEAR those who drank mannoraths blood was enough to turn their skins green. That’s how powerful demon blood is.

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Racial, as in the entire orcish race.

This is just your head canon! We have no idea what demonic blood does someone/their decendants. That for all we know it just takes one sip and all your children will fel the effects for who know how many generations.

Which furthers my point. That it bound the orcs to him. That anyone, even those who didn’t directly drink from the cup was bound.

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Considering how many orc children were artificially aged up to fight in the horde, even if they didn’t directly drink Mannraths blood, we can assume the fel energies were affecting everyone and driving them all into a bloodlusted craze.

Which it kind of did, because even the Frostwolves, who didn’t drink, their skins still turned green just fighting alongside those who did


THrall and the frostwolves were not affected, so it wasn’t the entire race, but it was just orcs.

How withdrawals work is common knowledge IRL, I am sure the writer had the same idea when mentioning withdrawals.

Thrall was not bound to him.

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But the Frostwolves did fight alongside the horde for a while and even their skins still turned green from the fel energies

That they did.
We know that a warlock’s fel magic and fel in general will affect its surroundings and those around, it is why all Quel’thalas elves who resided in Quel’thalas when the burning crystals came in had their eyes turn green.

But they were not affected by the same lethargy, as those who drank demon blood.