I have nothing to prove tho. And I’m currently working on my ele.
As someone who only heals, if my team loses, it’s because I wasn’t able to keep them alive. Rarely do I look at reasons as to what the dps could have done, I’ll reserve that level of reflection for them.
Thats exactly right.
In all my shuffles I don’t think I have ever flamed people for anything, though I myself do get flamed ALL the time. People see I’m 1900 in 3s and think somehow every loss is my fault because “this stupid ret is hardstuck 1900 in 3s”.
you’re absolutely fried
As someone who heals on 3 different classes and dps’s on 5 different classes I definitely understand both sides.
As a healer, the issues I most commonly have with dps are:
- bad positioning/chasing and exposing me to easier CC
- bad use of defensive cds (either too late or too early though I prefer too early if anything)
- lack of dps (I understand you will have less dps if you’re the one being trained) but if there’s zero pressure on the other team the whole game that’s a problem.
- tunneling and not knowing when to play defensive or support their partner or myself
As a dps, the issues I most commonly have with healers are:
- bad positioning when better positioning is available
- focusing too much on CC/dmg and not healing
- on flip side, doing no CC at all and ONLY healing
That being said, I’ve made all mistakes on both sides, and so I try to keep in mind that mistakes will happen, and many times, my play is what could have lead to them making that mistake in the first place.
I am often the big dumb idiot that gets poly spammed because I decided to try to bash clone the mw monk
I noticed your ele and enh specs have rating but your rsham spec doesn’t
Why not give it a try
thatd cost money
I’ve mentioned earlier in this thread that I have tried it. Both are the same in terms of being stressful because you’re trying to win with random people. I think for most people stress comes from not being able to get rating because typically healer MMR has been lower compared to dps in the past (it’s a bit more even now). For me, the game play is very similar, although I do play a hybrid spec and a lot of things translate over.
It’s because they haven’t added voice chat for healers (roles like healing or jungling in moba should have voice and everyone else should be muted IMO) so basically you just sit there watching people blow CD’s on nothing (and dying the second you get CC’d), DPS attack different targets, DPS often position badly such as kiting ontop of you vs melee cleaves instead of spacing making your job aids and your heals do nothing after a few mins in shuffle anyway - Ontop of certain classes doing/taking redic damage ontop and CC’s being instant do you really need more to stress over - eg Affy locks getting railed by Fury or ret hunter is complete cancer and doesn’t help that the hunter has guarunteed instant CC forever.
0 brainpower is put into the psychological aspect of this game it’s just about class representation to the accounting/economics bean counts making this game.
3rdly MMR is broken and people rage and stress over rating in every PVP game.
Because healers are the ones that need to get carried I imagine - they’re the ones always premading battlegrounds, out in the world, duo blitz, and all that
rofl, what?
When I’m playing DPS: bad heals
When I’m playing healer: bad DPS
10/10 swole post. Triggered all the right people.
Literally just got a ret paladin who refused to use defensives to help me because “you’re not worth it and you need to lose points”
And then a hunter who used turtle at 95% health because “you healers aren’t good enoughto heal me” when no one was doing any damage to him and threw game
I hear what you’re saying but this narrative is really degen and leaves a lot of players in low brackets feeling mislead and confused as to why they went 0-6 even though they topped the damage meters
I’ve gapped a lot of lobbies doing mid or mininum damage, especially early in the season when demo was “unplayable”
And I’ve also been 360 no scoped in lobbies by DPS that weren’t doing anything crazy
Trading cooldowns effectively is the key
It goes both ways tbh, but ya, I have lots of similar stories. The most recent one that comes to mind is the frost mage who died in 5 out of the 6 games without pressing block (he went 0-6), and was trying to say it was both healer’s fault, and it’s like, dude, no one can just heal through 3.5mil+ DPS on you, you can’t just sit a full stun with all the enemy teams CDs popped without pressing any buttons or trading anything.
If I ironbark+overgrowth+swiftmend+you die before I have the NS+regrowth globals, there’s not much else I can do there (if I was playing my pally he actually might have been able to get away with it - maybe he’s just used to playing with hpals who have infinite CDs to rotate through)
Yeah the ret paladin intentionally caused me to lose 38 rating and it takes me probably 4-5 matches of going 4-2 to even get that amount it’s extremely frustrating. I don’t understand the griefing at 1700 mmr… I just want the elite set and to be done.
Rdruid is so bad it’s not even funny compared to the other healers. I feel like I have very limited cc that dr’s with warlock/ret/rogue and that’s pretty much all I get matched up with. My started 4 rounds of teammates I usually get 1 -2 players that don’t want to listen to target call out or use defensives and I tank so hard it’s unreal. I’m about to just give up and never pvp again.
Thanks blizz you’ve lost yet another player to your pvp pool.