Why do healers think only their role is stressful?

Are they not aware that DPS can get stressed out too when their healer doesn’t press buttons, yet constantly I see healers talk about how “healing is not worth it because it’s too stressful.” Both roles are equally stressful.

I can feel the pain in your heart. Tell us what happened.


We could all just play tanks instead :pleading_face:

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Idk man, dps never complain about dps being hard even though it is.

Because it is not. Its not even close on difficulty level, esp when we got ego warriors like you who thinks his role takes something to perform.
We have 2 deal with 2 handicaps who cant stay in your LoS ever. And they get mad when they drop dead because of their own fault.
Maybe instead of posting stupid shts, learn about your abilities and their interactions. Might be useful


Hey, Hey, arms warrior takes skill. BESIDES being made of paper half the time, I had to play immensely to get my 5-1 and 6-0s several times in a row I Coasted to 2400 on my nonmeta race as well as undead warrior :dracthyr_nod:. I can’t say the same for Fury, seeing as I don’t play Fury, but fighting. Half of them are just rerollers getting egos.

“Mommy, World of Warcraft stresses me out.”


Probably got laid out while holding W and blamed healer who was ccd or los


I’ve healed and it’s really not as hard as people like to think it is.

It’s not hard if you have good teammates… it’s very stressful when you don’t. And you get blamed a lot when they die because they went yolo ham bubble the first fear and die LOS when you’re hoj’d.


You get blamed for someone dying in a video game, how will you ever recover :frowning:

I have to get a cup of jasmine tea and recite some Uncle Iroh lines

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Now this I can get behind


See this is the narrative I dont get because healers make mistakes too and blame their dps.

Hey man I make a lot of mistakes, but it’s more frustrating when I get flack for preventable deaths. Self awareness does go both ways and I personally don’t stand mid arena and get chaos bolted into oblivion. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Dps get a lot of flack too tho. I have ptsd after every round thinking I’m about to get flamed by the healer for not doing enough damage or something. Sometimes it leads me to pre-flame the flame.

Now listen here little swoley you just tell me who the BAD BOY that said all those mean things to you is and I will call their house and tell their parents what a little MENACE they’ve raised!!!

No one talks to my little boy that way. No one!!!

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I can see it from both sides, if you’re getting focused you do less damage and I understand that. What I don’t understand is when I get the same person 3 times in a row on my side and after the first two times they die I go “hey man, watch out for icy veins and try to go around the pillar” and they go “no I have to do dps or we don’t win.”

I try to give constructive criticism and the dps are like NO UR JUST BAD HEALER and I’m like ??? I tell you how to NOT die and you wanna fight me like I’m on the other team

Do dam = win. Not even being ironic with this, but the more damage you do the easier the games will come. DPS need to be comfortable doing their maximum dam while not dying, but the first step is learning to do the damage while under pressure.

post rating

current rating, dotn give me that “xp” bs.