Why do guys do this?

Wait, what? Am I the only woman around who was instantly uninterested in a guy who was already in a relationship? (I use past tense because I’m now happily married to a guy who was completely single when I met him.)

I think the problems guys (and gals) have with the opposite sex are mostly because they’re going after the wrong people for the wrong reasons. If looks are your first priority, stop being surprised when there turns out to be a worm in the apple.


I am instantly uninterested once I find out they’re married. I’m a woman. Can confirm.
Even if they’re open, even if they’re poly, I want no part in it–I just want a normal relationship, please.


God ikr… :expressionless:

Poor guy,

But I’m a strong believer of there being someone out there for everyone!

His time will come

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You give me hope lad!

I hope so! Like I said, he wasn’t a creepy man or rude or anything. I think he can make off with someone as long as his first impression isn’t seething red hatred for the faction they play in a video game.

Like was it genuine though?

Or like sarcastic?

Cause i also have seething sarcastic hatred for the Horde.

I have never witnessed something like this. I wouldnt pass it up though…awkward moments are the best! I mean…as a spectator.

It was genuine. My fight or flight kicked in. He had actual rage on his face the moment I said I’m Alliance.

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As a roleplayer who knows… People… I can confirm.

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That may be because a guy in a relationship is “safe”.

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Ah Geez, yeah that’s a lot.

I mean i rage about the Horde with my friends all the time, but with like a hardy “lol” after.

I wonder if you can help me with that predicament. When I mean predicament, i mean a simple problem that has me put into limbo for years.

It’s like I don’t want a relationship… or even feel an attraction… or actually feel nothing but there is something… just something about me just screams otherwise.

Happens in both directions. Dropping the boy/girl friend into a conversation is how people let the opposite sex know a relationship isn’t going to happen.

This may come as a surprise, but most people are either in a relationship, or looking to get into a relationship.

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Yeah, me too. It’s all for good fun. He calmed down after a moment of me trying to lighten the mood with a meek laugh and saying that the Alliance aren’t how he described them at all.

Like, man, it’s a video game. And we both play it. That gets you a point. But if you had a chance with me, you would have lost it the instant you looked like you were ready to actually hurt me; I would not want to date someone who goes from 0-100 in pure rage. What happens when you’re more comfortable with me and won’t hold back? Jesus.

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I’ve never given a rat’s behind about someone’s relationship status online and I never will.


I just assume girls don’t play WoW. I also don’t play with people thinking it’s some dating service or something, my wife probably wouldn’t appreciate that much.

I see you out here bragging that you have a wife.


Because so many guys never learned the simple lesson that women are people.

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I will not make the joke I want to make.