Why do guys do this?

Bait legend.

(It does exist though, weirdos who do that).

I had all the friends I needed by puberty, so, yeah.

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Why you treating women like they’re just items and not how they should be treated as?

Friends. :pleading_face:


I knew this woman who used to say that she liked dating only married men so she could be alone on all holidays.

I think most women like men, genuinely like men as people yet when a man is single it can be hard to see his true personality because he’s usually trying to sell something so when a woman runs into a man who is just being himself, that becomes very attractive.

Also, is it obvious the women know he’s married? That’s always something to consider.


As much as i want to be progressive and support my fellow women, i really have to admit the truth of the situation; it happens. It’s unfortunate, but when it comes down to it, a persons ethics when to comes to respecting other peoples relationships isnt based on their sex/gender… i think it’s really just more of what kind of person they are.

I used to struggle with this a lot actually, and i’d be lying if i said it didn’t make me a jealous mess. But my bf actually helped me realize that it was never my job to stave off the advances of women that were interested in him; that was his responsibility. and vise versa.
still though, as natural as it might be, it still kinda makes me wanna whoop some booty.


Poor guy should paint himself yellow and move to Springfield.

Because he’s a Simp, son.

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Because they are super thirsty and some other guy is holding the cup.

The more I read about Tessaria’s post, the more I shouldn’t feel bad about being told about a girl having a boyfriend because 9 times out of 10 I really don’t care and just mingle people for the sake of mingling.

If I am indeed attracted to a girl who’s in a relationship, then I’d just respect it, be on my way and not be awkward. Thankfully, attractions for me, have an expiration date.

But some girls just do it disgracefully… Like some girls I met really need to get over themselves sometimes and not complicate things for no reason… Same thing for guys too especially the jealous type.

Like I don’t mind brutally bruising their ego by saying I’m not attracted to them without feeling any remorse. :cold_face:

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Even with the new meaning this word is taking on, this doesn’t seem accurate.

Even if this was all real (it probably isn’t); a desperate person would stick around and keep trying to turn the relationship into something it wasn’t.

A person that walks away when they realize that isn’t happening? Not that desperate.


You know, it’s super awkward and funny, but there was one man who was tryna step into my life who was very forward about his attraction to me. It was forward but not rude, I didn’t mind; it allowed me to be forward to him about the fact that I’m a lesbian. But before he finished lamenting to me about how every woman he meets is married or a lesbian, I tried something and lamented to him about how every man I try to befriend leaves me high and dry once he finds out I’m unavailable.

He felt guilty, or wanted to prove himself a good man, or something, and now we’re in this awkward mud of a friendship where every 2 months he feigns interest in my personal life, I whisper him back and forth for 10 minutes, and then we go back to never talking.

We have really no chemistry at all, it turns out. He has a very abrasive personality; we met when he brought his broken PC up to my PC repair counter and he thought I was “the hottest girl he’d ever seen.” (I sincerely doubt that, I’m like a 7.5 lmao, but a person seeming close and attainable to you makes them more attractive, so who knows) He has had poor luck due to a combination of his abrasiveness/social awkwardness, and his… unlucky genes. Still, he was at least polite enough once he got down from his sudden shouting fit about how he hates the Alliance. (Yes, it was bad. It was as awkward as you can imagine.) I’ll admit, I only continued being his bnet friend after our first meeting because he knew where I worked.


Yup, you are right. I think I am jealous of how easy guys can be social and get away with so much stuff. I think I’m going to forget to heal him the next time he aoe pulls just to feel a little better.

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Dont you dare leave me on just an evil mystery. EXPLAIN

I think that goes both ways Tessaria, that women too can be pretty offended if they are made to feel undesirable, I mean when you look at female leaders especially older ones there is a definite feeling among them that they often feel invisible to society.

But I think just being respectful to other people’s feelings is extremely important in such situations and people even if their feelings are hurt, will be grateful that you took their feelings into consideration.

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Sometimes people hang around with someone because they feel safe, comforted.

Maybe you remind them of their mom or sister or something.

Please don’t make her explain, by context, it’s pretty obvious. :cold_sweat:


Yeah. It just means he looked like me. A rotting undead corpse.

Well, I don’t want to be rude. “Unlucky genes” means he was not blessed with an incredibly attractive face or body.

That’s one way of phrasing it.

I am a death knight, yes.