Why do guys do this?

LOL wut i never do that but then again that was years ago if i talked to a girl now my wife would kill me for sure!

entitlement. What else?

Bullet dodged tbh. if thats how they choose to think, then having a “game gf” is probably as close as they’ll ever get to anything adult anyways. lets just hope their gf actually knows she’s his “gf” though lmao.


I might be the only wow player who keeps playing with said person then regardless gender op it’s just typeing to my wife anyways now if i go out of my way to talk to a girl on the phone or mic it looks very shady on my part lol!

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But I think the op is lucky that they left when they found out. Like I said before. The worse ones are the ones that stick around, and try to get you to cheat. Like, they offer something better. You don’t know how many people I played wow, rift, and COD that ends up trying that.


You’re not the only one.
Game is a game not a dating service


Tell that to the creepy males and females that infest FFXIV

because these happened in the 1990s:


For sure it’s not at all.

I am almost amazed that there are people that stupid. Like if you have fun gaming together and as you said find out they’re in a relationship well hell why should that matter? So what you can’t date her, she’s still fun to game with right? It really shouldn’t be hard to get over.

When I played ESO there were several girls in the guild I was in and we all talked with voice chat and never had any problems. We weren’t friends but we talked, gamed a bit and laughed and just had fun. Couple of them were married and everyone was okay with it.

Willingly killing off a friendship or even just communication because they’re not single is insane to me.


do they just leave without a word? , you can always try to reach them to clarify things if you think it’s worth your time

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My wife was one of those when i was useing the M player service became a real woman in real life sometimes it goes beyond that for some people lol!

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My thing? It’s meaningless to me if you are a guy or a girl and as such, I don’t discuss my marital status or lack of availability with you. I find it off-putting should you attempt to do so with me. Thusly, at that point you would find yourself ignored.

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I know a number of couples and even a family that plays. All really great people to play with

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Same reason gals stop talking when they ask if I’m in a relationship and I say I’m single. :frowning:


I can’t get my wife to play at all it sucks but she got me the game she regrets it now lol!


Haha ouch.

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Same thing happens to me when i use my mic in pvp games girls ask me if im single i don’t know why they like my voice it sucks imho!

You again Aviela, you are always asking these kinds of questions.

Well I do have an opinion on this, but please know it IS just my opinion, I am not trying to insult or offend anyone, so feel free to disagree, I do have to say that and make that very clear, as I’ve had issues in posting in these sorts of threads in the past with people thinking that I am somehow insulting women or whatever when in reality what I was said was completely taken out of context.

So I think I will try and keep this post as gender neutral as possible if it helps ease the possibility of causing people offence. I admit that I’m one of those people that sees things through a somewhat gendered lens, as while I believe we are all human, I do see women and men as slightly different, but I will try and put that to the side for now.

Okay so without further ado, it’s like this…if someone has feelings for you and you don’t or can’t reciprocate, in my opinion it’s best to let them go on their way. See if you think about it, it’s all very easy to say that nobody is entitled to a relationship with someone, and I agree with that. Nobody has ownership of everyone else. To that end, just as the person has no right to be in a relationship with you, nor are you entitled to force them to be in a friendship with you.

You know my last ex made it clear when they started dating someone, I could back off from the friendship if I wanted to, so they were very respectful of my feelings on the matter, which by the way if they were not, I would have likely ditched. At the end of the day though, I am perhaps too coldly calculating; they might not have wanted a relationship but had too much to offer in other areas, like being a good reference for me and so on, so to that end I wasn’t willing to throw away the friendship.

Now as harsh as it sounds, IF someone was pressuring me to be in a friendship, I would be asking myself…what did this person have to offer me exactly? I know that sounds selfish. And quite frankly it is, I won’t kid about that. But if you truly want someone to be your friend, ask yourself this…what does friendship mean to you?

Just chatting online? To me an online friendship well that’s more of an acquaintance anyway, I mean to me the true friends are the ones saying that I am more then welcome to visit them one day when this corona rubbish settles down a bit more, and have really reached out to offer help if I ever fall on really tough times.

Now I am not saying of course that online friendships aren’t valid, in fact I was quite pissed off when someone I had been talking to online back and forth for a while, I said that I was just trying to be a good friend to them, but the way they went out of their way to make it clear I wasn’t their friend yet, I was pretty offended by that I admit. They then blasted me for acting offended, and I get it we do live in a culture where people get offended perhaps a bit too easily by some things, but I admit it did hurt that my attempt to be a good friend didn’t mean anything to them.

In all honesty I have simply given up on that and prefer to just let friendships happen naturally. Sometimes it’s also about the energy you put out, if you are a bubbly friendly person, you will attract positive people to you, if you are constantly negative, that probably won’t help you much. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t have a social conscience and not care about the social issues of the day, but what I am saying is that if you put yourself in another persons shoes and take a look at yourself…what do you really have to offer them exactly?

Think about it.

Hope I didn’t offend anyone this time.


I wish everyone knew that. you have no idea how many frikin thirsty-a** women I used to have to deal with sending my bf nudes out of nowhere in the beginning of our relationship. and these were just supposedly people that wanted to be “friends”. I mean he blocked them all and stopped accepting random female fr’s out of respect for me, but it just goes to show how sneaky people can be.

haha believe me, I know. I met my guy on beasts of bermuda… i guess that makes me a bit of a hypocrite lol

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