Why do guys do this?

Lighten up Francis, it was a joke.


Yep. Welcome to the gaming 1950s


For real. :roll_eyes:



Many many guys are like that. I’m not saying all are, but this is how they treat each other in a way as well. Like, I don’t like one of his friends, and ask him why is he friends with him. His answer? Because he makes him laugh. That is it.

So to some of these men, it is just unless we are single. We offer nothing for them. I think imo we are better off without that lol. The worse ones are the ones that still try to see if you will cheat. Like, why did you waste my time?


Some of these comments are hilarious! But idk why it matters? I also don’t understand why some guys are desperate like this. It’s just really weird, you don’t know if the girl is a oaf or a California 7 (being generous).

But thirsty boys will be thirsty boys.


LMAO so perfectly said

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Lord jesus please educate me on this saying :rofl:

This thread is golden


idk why do girls stop talking after 2 messages?


Is there a handy conversion chart anywhere for determining what a California 7 would be on the 1-10 scale in each other state?


Yeah, i agree. Don’t want those kind of people in your life anyways. It’s just unfortunate that some of these guys think being a decent person automatically means you owe them something sexual.

But tbh now that you mention it you’re right about the reason guys stay friends with each other. half of my bf’s friends are some seriously questionable creatures, and the crazy part is… is that he knows it. but he always seems happy when they’re around for one reason or another, so i guess that’s enough for him. In some aspects, i admire the simplicity of that kind of friendship… it seems like it’d be a little less stressful.


I find that when women find out a guy is single the guy gets ghosted
Yet if a guy is in a relationship they suddenly want to be all over them


I like that hood on a void elf hunter.

Those wannabe-dark-rangers on the horde can eat their heart out!

it’s just annoying when that’s almost everyone you meet. like I thought we were friends.


Depends on the circumstances when this happens. If your relationship status is brought up unprovoked, then I can easily see people going silent with you as a result. Like hopping into VC and after someone greets you, you immediately announce that you have a partner. I’ve observed this kind of behavior more than a few times.

Even as a gay guy, I find it super awkward when someone of the opposite gender feels the need announce that they’re in a relationship. I can look past it in most cases, though it’s a total conversation killer when it’s brought up unprovoked.


anywhere they message

Its cool, ill hang out with you. Unless you show some interest in me and then ill destroy any relationship (in the weirdest way possible) that we could have had because i’m an idiot.

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What does friend mean to you? Specifically?

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It happens. Sad but the fact is you gotta harden yourself up to that fact that most ppl you meet in this game don’t really give a rats butt about you, and are really only in it for whatever can benefit them most.

Good luck, Aviela. I do hope if that was the only person you played with, that you find someone else soon you can run with and have fun…just be wary and not expect too much out of the situation. It hurts less in the end when they disappear for whatever reason.



Yup, I can’t stand this guy my husband loves going to hang out with. Like the dude winks at me and I swear I think he told him I don’t like him, just so he would get on my nerves doing it.

I think it is just how guys think. Friendship to them is like a contract or something. Like, your pros got to be more than your cons. If you are not fun to hang out with, all the other bs you do I don’t want it.

When it comes to women, we don’t offer much for them besides a ego boost that they got a gamer gf online.


To give you a simple answer.

Lots of virgins, simps, thirsty teenagers play the game.