Cause, deep inside, most guys are interested in girls for nothing more than sex or a relationship. If you cant provide either, then we have dogs and guy friends for comradery.
Just facts.
Cause, deep inside, most guys are interested in girls for nothing more than sex or a relationship. If you cant provide either, then we have dogs and guy friends for comradery.
Just facts.
For a couple reasons from an older young man who once upon a time was a very young man who was very shy with women.
They are immature, because on paper an in body they are adults but they are still a bit like kids in their heads.
Males mature but I do think males mature slower than females. Not for any real biological reasons, mostly cultural reasons. I feel females in society are under more pressure to grow up so to speak earlier than males.
Though this might be changing in today’s world.
They are jealous.
They were interested in you all the time but you didn’t know it. You thought that their interest in you was purely in a neutral way. Well, they liked you and see your busy and therefore have no interest in you anymore, because the goal in their mind was not just to be friends.
and lastly, naiveity? If you think that most straight males are not checking out many females all the time that is just being naive. We are all human beings created in a way when we reach adulthood to procreate. This is part of nature.
You might not like my answers and perhaps someone will disagree with me and perhaps I’m wrong but I gave you my honest outlook towards this question.
Be well
I believe women done the same thing, for example there were numerous women I befriended who wanted nothing to do with me when I told them I am happily in a Relationship.
lol Amen. Basically becoming the let’s just be friends of WoW.
Gamers are usually single guys without much social life. They depend about socializing in their virtual reality. Therefore when they find out your not an option they take it personal.
My suggestion is to play with a good guild of real friends. If there is someone in your guild that acts that way make it known. My girlfriend doesn’t touch WoW or any online games and I don’t think she ever would. But man is she a freak in the bedroom. =D eh
Now I’m confused on that one. I thought that term applied to guys who provide special attention in the hope of getting special attention back. If they move on, how does that term apply?
Same reason girls stop talking to me once they’re in one.
Both men and women do this. No one has said differently that I have seen.
This is just the PoV of the OP, and ppl sounding off.
Either way, it’s crappy behavior regardless of if a man or a woman does it. Imho however, the person who bolts saved the person they left a lot of wasted time and potential annoyance if they were only interested in someone for more “personal” reasons, than just playing a game for it’s intended purpose, and not a meet n greet/hookup site. lol
It’s like people have never heard of tinder or something? lol
Personally I have ZERO use for an female in a relationship . This applies in real life too. You say hi to me or even speak to me at work but you’re in a relationship I’ll show you the door !
“no drama please”
lmao. I hope people know this isn’t some special quirky trait to have?? Plenty of people want to play their game in peace with no drama. I honestly don’t care if i tell people my gender they usually label it themselves anyways since i’m not super "uwu cutesy " in chat, people just automatically assume im a guy the way i chat xD but yeah i don’t beg for that type of special treatment i just wanna progress with my character :// honestly the girls def can be just as toxic as the guys…but it’s like girls towards other girls? I’ve come a cross a small amount of girls who are pretty cool towards me, then there are most of the girls who have an attitude problem. In my OWN experience at least.
I don’t know how I feel about the whole guy pretending to be a girl for special treatment thing. It’s like hey that person is dumb anyways for falling for it but at the same time i think the person is douche for using someone’s feelings especially if they are being consistent/dragging it out for too long.
Mature guys dont really do this, but the only thing I can think of is maybe they were being led on and maybe in game favors and helped were being ask and when they found out they went cold and used.
Because most guys really want one thing. They want to find a girl who will regularly do ERP with them. If your a guy playing a female, your hated because you are ‘weird’ (though I’d argue who the real weirdo is). If your in a relationship, your useless to their ultimate goal. It’s really as simple as that, and it’s repugnant.
Any time I see this in an actual guild recruitment macro I giggle. There’s no way to not have some form of drama at some point in any guild. lol It’s how it’s handled and how long it takes for it to be squashed.
He didn’t carry it on, at least the short amnt of time I saw him do it, for very long. Just long enough to get what he wanted(usually gold or a piece of gear) and then moved on. Regardless, it’s disgusting to me - and yeah, the ppl who fall for this are dumb b/c it’s a game anyone can be anything they want over the internet - but at the same time i just have a higher moral compass, not to mention far more self respect than to fall for, or participate in this sort of behavior. lol
What do relationships have to do with playing the game? If women in relationships can’t play the game, should men in relationships not play either? Really, what people do when not in game can’t have any effect on even the general cooldown, so it doesn’t matter…
Idk about most guys. Most guys I encounter hang out with me to quest our toons through a few levels, or run a few instances. Then even if we don’t hang out in game much, we chat a lot after. They all know I am married and not an option. The few guys that do act like that don’t remain on my Bnet list when they start acting that weird.
Oh man I could tell you a tale about this Troll Blood Drinker I met. Complete raging hate OOC for anyone that wasn’t a female character and who wasn’t ponying up the goods for him. Worst human being award definitely goes to him and his Hut-wife.
Yep! Those are the jerks that get put on my block list. But for every one or two of those, I have maybe 5 that are actually cool.
The guy was romantically interested in you. When he learned that you were not interested in that way, he distanced himself. He is not interested in friendship. Rejection is never easy, and some people cope poorly with it. Just let him be. He doesnt want a one sided relationship, where he has feelings, and you do not.
Why do you want someone who is romantically interested in you, but you have no interest in reciprocating those feelings, as a friend? If you simply like the attention you get, than it is a toxic behavior. His feelings are most likely one sided. He wants more than you. Respect the differences and let him move on. It would be harmful to him and potentially your relationship to keep him involved.
This parallels for men and women as well. You cant have a friendship when one of the two want more than friendship. Something inevitably happens where the friendship gets ruined, or it evolves into something uncomfortable and potentially dangerous.
The adult and responsible thing to do, is move on. Respect that you two feel differently about eachother and move on.
I thought all girls were like the TBC flying mount girl. Take notes