Why do guys do this?

I feel for the guy in OP story. People seem to be making him out to be some immature, woman hating, incel who refused her friendship. When in actuality is he just tried to pursue her romantically, she wasn’t available so he buggered off. It’s not to complicated people.


I’m still down to play WoW together I’m just not trying to date you…

The WoW version of “we can still be friends!”


I find it creepy that anybody would be trolling for booty in a video game.

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My spouse and I both roleplay in WoW and we have an agreement; what goes on IC stays IC. Both of us have flirted and been flirted with ICly by others.

However, if anything starts to look like it’s turning OOC, it gets cut off.

You sound like the kind of girl that says she has a bf just to announce you’re a girl, but you really just want attention. Try spending time with your bf instead of playing wow :woman_shrugging:

Ever consider them distancing themselves as being respectful of your relationship?

Hmm that seems risky.

Because they wanted one thing from you. People like that are not worth your time.

We both discussed the matter and know what we may be getting into; hence the agreement beforehand.

Risk mitigated.

More power to you both!

hah, of course when you talk to those beasts, you won’t receive anything but surface level affection

I on the other hand, will treat you with respect and adoration for your beautiful form, so will you allow me to slide in thoust dms m’lady?

fedora tip :tophat:


Because some people who play this game(and in life) are only out for themselves and what you can do for them. All you can do is thank the person for showing you what a tool they are and move on.

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I ain’t talkin to nobody anyway

Uh we tryna get it in.

Oh these guys were in their 30’s. When I had msg’d the GM who was spamming, we did a few minutes chit chat before getting into discord, and I got a run down of his WoW gaming life, how old he was (leading up to the tried and true - no tolerance for drama in my guild - sh-peel lolol) and see, I NEVER disclose my gender - for the exact reason of the response I got on discord…that and I’m not one for “special treatment” I want to play the game, I want to have fun and play with like minded individuals. I find it disgusting how some females use their gender to get things.
Off context a bit here The guy I was dating who introduced me to WoW - he rolled nothing but female characters and flat out told me that if I wanted to get far in this game, I’d be smart to tell ppl I was a chick b/c he did it and got gold, mounts, free runs(this was back in TBC when I started) free everything…all b/c they’d think he was a girl. It turned my stomach. lol I broke up with him a few days later, for other reasons as well, but that was part of it.

The gaming world is a very odd place - but I find I fit in better here, than anywhere else I have ever associated myself into - and I’m an “older” gamer. (Under 50, above 35)

Oh well. lol :woman_shrugging:


I honestly had to like your comment b/c of this - I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard in a quite a while. lolol :rofl: :blush:


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Not all guilds, but for the ones that I’ve been in that the GM has a follower of “lovers”, I leave immediately because the guilds 9x outa 10 eventually fall into drama and just break up.

It’s extremely childish and annoying.

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I’m not saying women don’t do it as well. I’m saying this may be why some women find married men attractive.

I also mentioned that they may not know the man in question is married.

Women wear makeup because many don’t like the way they look without it and they want to stand out.
It’s just face paint. You can still see what they look like underneath it.


Makeup is warpaint. Can’t change my mind. :upside_down_face:


Sounds like you dodged a bullet there by breaking up with him. Anyone whos going to do stuff like that isn’t going to get much of anywhere in life and would likely do the same to you when the “need” arises.

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Indeed. 13 yrs later I’m here enjoying myself(for the most part) in WoW, and he’s probably still delivering pizzas. lol (Well, probably not rn with the covid thing but…yeah. lol)


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