Why do guys do this?

Hey there I see you have a relationship now but if you need my real id for after I’m here for you.

Bet the forum mods are going to put me on 2 week timeout again for stating my opinion.

It’s rare, like really rare, for a straight guy / girl, to play with each other a lot and not develop feeling for one another. So, this is normal. Guy learns he has no chance, he moves on for the sake of moving on. Why bother waiting for something that’s not available? Totally reasonable standpoint from their POV, if you put yourself in their shoes.

The only consistent times where this doesn’t happen, is when it’s a trans or gay person who doesn’t wish to engage in relationships with either girl or guy. I don’t know why. It’s just the way society has worked for the last 15 years of my memory.

Incoming 2 week timeout again, that mods can tinkle in a puddle for all I care.


OP: Because most guys think with their short sword.

Because guys dont want to be friends with women they cant have would be my guess. I’d elaborate but it wouldnt end well.

most gamer guys are socially just bad… I vibe well with girls cause i just see them as people and not a conquest. Sadly a good portion of the guys are overly desperate for that female attention. They try extra hard, and when they find out they have no chance; their already fragile ego breaks.

It’s painfully obvious that guys still get shocked that girls play…video games Dx it’s almost like them being in shock shocks them to having feelings towards a female. Not always of course but it happens quite frequently. It could absolutely be an age thing but i’ve seen some older dudes on this game be weird about it too.

I mean it is a lot easier to be like this since it is online, you feel more free to act a certain way.

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I’m actually a nice person though, it’s not fake. I’m polite and very friendly. There really is no reason not to be.

If you have so little self control that you cannot be pleasant and co-exist with others, then that is a problem you need to address.

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There’s a difference between being nice and being kind.

On topic. There will be some males that have an agenda by speaking with you. Those kinds of men are not your friend.

Just make me a sandwich already.

And NO onions.


I don’t understand why this thread was flagged.

Like let her have her autonomy as a Monogamous individual.

Because it’s sexist?


Don’t you know you can’t be sexist against men? /s

Eh, I kinda agree with this. Have a like for at least explaining it to me.

I’m the same exact way. However I’m also 100% real with people(online I do tone it down a bit), I do not and will not lie to another person even if it hurts their feelings. Honesty is always the best policy & I learned you’re more likely to get better reactions or have people remember you/like you more if you treat every one the way you’d want to be treated.

It is, and sometimes upsetting someone cannot be avoided, my main point is, for the most part, there is no reason to be mean or unpleasant when playing with others.

You would not have your job long if working with others was a problem for you, upsetting co-workers by being rude and direct will get you fired.

There is no such mechanism on the internet, as such the less disciplined among us tend to push their luck and we are where we are, so some self policing is inevitable.

Gamers need little encouragement to be negative these days, just a gander at the forum here will show you that, so I try and be positive and be the voice of reason where I can.

Does it make a difference? I’d like to think so.

Stay safe my friend. :mask:

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I wish my cousins wife would figure this out. She’s been fired from more places than I can count on both my hands & every single time it “isn’t her fault”. Yet the reason is because she has to start stuff with a coworker then elevates the situation by doing some thing dumb. Example would be she got in to an argument with a coworker when she worked at Starbucks, then I guess dumped a thing of yogurt or cream in the coworkers coat & was fired for it.

You as well.

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Haha! Wow…yeah she’s running hot for sure, wish I could have seen it, but that’s exactly what I’m saying, if you’re difficult to work with you’re going to have a very long resume lol! :rofl:

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Best paraphrase 2020

sometimes respect. sometimes because of your second sentence

Relationship conquests are a strong motivator for many.
Finding out that a person you may be interested in has a partner, is like finding out that King / Queen has an army.
Finding out they’re married is like them having a fortress.

Sometimes it’s just not worth the effort.
Sometimes the person might just be tired or going through their own thing and therefore, seem distant.

Both sexes often have different, but predictable reactions to scenarios like the OP’s, imo.