I honestly don’t ever want to be close enough to anyone in this game that I would ever find out they’re in a relationship.
Quite a couple reasons
1: A lot of people were raised to think being in a relationship meant you get your happy ending fairytale.
2: Some people don’t feel complete so they use people to try and fix themselves
3: It’s pretty common to feel like you don’t want to die alone
4: or the more extreme version, people think they are owed it. Or they just want kids not to have kids. But to have little yes men like they’re something to brag about
I’ve met guys like that irl. They see every girl as something to nail and all the talking and doing stuff that isn’t that is just them trying to get into their pants. They can’t seem to get that women are humans as well.
This has never happened to me. Ever.
Most guys are pretty cool in this game and even if they want to flirt with you, they don’t REALLY want to flirt with you. You must be coming across as a tease or something. Or you’re flaunting that you have a BF. Just as long as you’re cool, most guys could care less
Maybe this certain guy found someone to talk to who he felt he wanted to talk to more than you.
Why do you feel like him not giving attention to you is bad for you? Don’t you have a lot of friends? Discard this guy and move on.
because most of these virgins mistake any form of friendship as flirting since they haven’t seen the light of day in months…
A male is more valid to a female when she realizes another female has interest in him. His value increases so to speak. Same with a woman any man dates, she wants to know other females are attracted to him as it validates her choice in him, however she does not want him to be to aware of this fact, nor act on this as well.
Lots of people need some kind of validation to feel happy to exist, usually in the form of attention.
Growing up as a twin, I yearned to be alone, and now that I finally have the space, well, you don’t miss something until it’s gone.
What does that even mean to be honest by safe? just wondering.
I think this is a rather easy explanation of things. Males want females, all this fluff we go through to get a female is just that fluff. White knights, chivalry, etc. etc. I’m not like them I’m different is all taken from the same page. It is all a dance for a female, a game by females in which most males don’t fully understand until well in their 30s and up. A function of a male is to reproduce with the greatest amount of females. It is hard wired in our DNA. I’m not saying we don’t as males choose few or only one mate, but it is in every male. By that same degree it is in a females DNA to find two types of males one that shows traits associated with the best male genes, and another to help rear the child should the first male either not be capable as a father or die etc. Personally I think this thread while a good topic is watered down and less effective for any real growth on either side.
As a female, we can usually tell if she’s trying to get that “special treatment” from guys by the way they speak / type in Gchat & Discord.
At least I can.
They present themselves in a certain way & it’s so easy to spot.
Watching 70%+ of the guys falling for that is amusing and sad at the same time.
It’s just that you’ve always ran into “those types” it seems like.
There are many females in this game who don’t talk or behave that way.
Not really, I just thought the word unquenched fit better given the set up. Hypothetical guy is supposedly thirsty, OP isn’t settling any beverages. Hypothetical guy remains thirsty, but looks for another vendor.
Look, dudes on the internet that befriend girls either
A) Overall find girls easier to talk to online.
B) Are thirsty as hell.
C) Looking for a relationship with similar interests.
They often mix one up with the other but it’s easy to tell by noticing their behavior.
Eh, just to feel slightly less alone in my case. But as I begin to talk to people I remember that I really don’t have anything to talk about and back to square one.
I guess in my case, when you have been hating yourself, self-deprecating, feeling completely alone in the world even though you know other people deal with problems similar or even worst than yours, being in a relationship may feel like you are not so worthless after all, that if you find the right person with a good heart to withstand you, maybe the world will shine again.
Why do women string men along by pretending to like them only to use them for money and favors?
I seen that happen in real life alot but not so much in this game.
Why do you think OP? Seriously. It’s obvious. The question is do you play it like you aren’t because you know people will do things for you if they think it means you’ll date them or send pics or whatnot. Because if so you’re just as guilty as they are.
The ones you watch out for are the ones who make it blatantly obvious they’re a girl and then try to curry favors/get lewtz/etc. by batting eyelashes or flirting. Been there done that, worked out how you expected (I was depressed and stupid, but not young). I’d still flirt with the girls (not like trying to get some just friendly flirting) but my wife wouldn’t like that.
But really, you know the answer why.
70%!? Didn’t realize there were that many simps out there.
I know several women who are married or dating some one & I call friends, I won’t stop talking to them, but there’s one thing I’ll never do & that’s be with them in a situation where we’re alone. Meaning no lunch or dinner without some one else present & since I don’t drink I won’t ever go to a bar. Reason is I will never trust a woman married/dating or single again after I was stabbed multiple times(no joking) for confronting an ex about infidelity, but apparently it was “my fault” .
For me it’s not the relationship that will ever make me act cold towards a woman. It’s the personality. Only the extremely narcissistic ones & ones who don’t know how to relax their own ego will get the cold shoulder from me.
Far less likely to get hit on by a guy who is already in a relationship.