Why do guys do this?

puritan standards must be abandoned if we are to save this country from any further incels.

she was’nt taken. she just… did’nt feel the same way about me, as i did about her.

Jagdpanther, GMC 10 > jadgtiger

Fight me

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Oh you are at a nice young age still, but I’ve been in quite a few relationships and each one is its own learning experience, as sometimes that’s the only way you can learn through experience.

For me the hardest part is that one has to find a healthy balance between being tolerant for situations that are beyond a person’s control, but at the same time not wanting to drag yourself down into someone’s craziness, you see some people can be so sweet and so beautiful (kind of like you actually) and that will attract a lot of people, but I have found sadly that after scanning someone’s environment, sadly there is something that is a bit wanting. For me the measure of a relationship is the extent that it can help you grow, become more independent and successful in life, the last thing you want is a partner that’s going to push you into a situation of dependency on them and try and control you and stuff. You need someone that helps you grow.

You know, there are lots of men, mainly of an older demographic that still feel that a woman’s place is dependent on them at home, but stuff that, don’t get yourself into a vulnerable situation. It’s not worth it. Lucky those angry old men recently got a mass ban off youtube though haha

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That is true, i suppose.

not to undermine your joke, but this was before GoT was on tv. so… that does’nt apply to me.

Sounds like you just waited too long to act.

But then you fall into that other category if you do.

It’s really a no win situation for some people.

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I would but I have no mobility

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lemme guess. just because she has an ax wound between her legs, you couldn’t help but feel you had the feels for her, and when she didn’t reciprocate, you took her out like it was a bag of garbage.

Damn…that’s deep

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Lol, I see a reasonable general discussion topic gets flagged as inappropriate. Flag is the new downvote.

Answer is; Thirsty people. Chances are they might be in a relationship too but if you have the appearance of being unavailable they hit the ground running.

Girls do it as well, though I imagine not as often.

no, we were friends since we were kids, and i always liked her that way… i just… had’nt found the words to convey those feelings…

then one day, one of her friends said we should be a couple, and… well, me, being the teenage idiot that i was, let her know how i felt, and… well… it’s history now.

thanks for implying i was only thinking with my lower-body, btw. was thinking with my heart, not my bits.

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O wise blueberry of the general discussion, Why is that so rare these days?

therein the conflict. most people say you’re doing the devil’s work, and chastise you without any provocation. which leads to an neverending feud.

screw those insecure people who takes to higher moral/religious order, because…they’re insecure! you’re in a position to take advantage of those kinda people because of their standings. imagine if we didn’t have such standings, would you still earn money?

We’re all just thirsty animals.

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I just want to say something that I know won’t be entirely well received but no one is required to be your friend and they can cut ties with you for any reason they want to as can you with them.

lol people get so mad at me when I say humans are animals too :rofl:


whatever helps you sleep at night, man.

So it sounds like you are a little more than just a dancer then? lol.

It’s okay we don’t judge each. Honestly, girls that do that kind of thing I think it actually helps a lot of guys relieve a lot of their stress tbh. As we do live in a stressful world.

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careful. your thirst is showing.

slams trench coat shut