Why do constructive post get removed?

I just had one of my post removed. It was wow related and not negative.

A lot of good people given feedback and opinions that did not offend people. So why remove it?

I’ve also noticed that there’s no explanation on Blizz part as to why they remove honest opinions and constructive feedback.


What was the post?
Hard to tell if you’re being honest or not.


It was is the war over for BFA?

When and if people do not agree with your opinion, they report your post. This forum is largely all driven by reports, and not human eyes. If it has enough reports, it automatically gets removed. Gone are the days of forum moderators.

Blame the WGD hive mindset. God forbid you voice your opinion. The report system is largely abused here.

[Moderator Edit] We are quite alive and well I can assure you. We are here and we are watching.


Why would he lie? That doesn’t make much sense.

This is the GD on the WoW forums. Is that a serious question? Lol


Actually once a post is burried you cannot flag it anymore.

The thread itself idk because whwn i flag, its usually a post not a thread. But ive tried to add flags to burried posts before, and the option wasnt there.

Your post may have been fine. Half the posts may have been respectful conversation.

Hiwever, sometimes it is easier to remove an entire post than to clean it up. This could be why it was removed.

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Because it establishes a narrative of unjust oppression. What an oddly naive question.


without knowing what the original post I can only speculate that the post was flagged and maybe found to be unproductive or baiting in nature.

Also talking about forum actions is kinda taboo

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because blizzard is in damage control mode


:eyes: I’m spooked.


This is probably what happened. The thread got out of control by a small group of people bickering with each other and escalating to the point where a mod decided that the conversation was derailed and no longer productive.

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Why does anyone lie? Because it suits their agenda.


Laughed so hard here :smiley: Nice moves, Mod



oh good lord they can use white, that’s just creepin me out man


Thanks for making my morning with that one, mods. :blue_heart:


That’s the issue, really. A simple disagreement, whether it warrants a flag or not, could potentially cause someone to report a post or thread.

I’m not saying everyone does this, but I know some people exist that do this.

Just be wary of what you type and try to word it as carefully as possible. Even the slightest slip-up could cause a post to be flagged. It’s sad, but true.

As far as how threads play out, yes the thread may be locked or deleted simply because of others arguing within the thread and it may have nothing to do with your original post.

Is that something people do? Just go on the Internet and tell LIES?! GASP


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