Why do constructive post get removed?

Bruh, you forgot to clutch your pearls! Never forget to clutch your pearls!

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Those aren’t pearls. I have an irregular collar bone.

Moderators right now…

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I believe its because blizzard sees that it MIGHT cause the post to go in a direction they don’t want to discuss maybe?

If the mods were truly attentive, they’d do something about a character named “Crapstains”.

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But…I lol’d :slightly_frowning_face:

Just because you think your post is constructive doesn’t make it true. Posts get removed because they break the coc in some way. Whether that’s because there are other threads of the same topic (which turns it into spam) or because of language.

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It could depend on the reaction to the thread.

  • The initial post may have not be inflammatory.
  • Several responses could have been well thought-out.
  • … but if the reaction was MOSTLY “burn the forums down”, Blizz may opt to remove it before things get completely out of control.

And crapstains was never heard from again.

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Oooooh that’s creepy! It’s like he’s been possessed!


Why do you think they owe you an explanation?

An open and transparent relationship goes farther to create trust.

Just deleting posts for no apparent reason only fosters resentment and mistrust.

^this 100%.

Emotions are the driving force behind everything these days, and it’s usually an offended emotion.

But they do not actually owe anyone an explanation. It is their forums their rules.

Imagine the complete waste of time involved in explaining things about everything in these forums all the time… That would lead to an absolute 100% waste of time.

They way people act on these forums, what they say and how they act … I am not shocked to see them want to avoid it at all costs.

Too me this is like requesting a police officer take a half hour explanation period everytime he hands out a ticket.

How did it get like this? Everytime a blue would comment or do some explanation, there would be more drama and anger and down right ignorant comments directed to them… more arguments… anything they say is a waste of time. Then even other posts on how rude they are or how what they said is bad… and they should be fired or other.

Really im not whiteknighting for blizz… but you have to take it from their point of view.

Lol, It probably was similar to my so-called troll comment. Hey, I’m going to crack jokes on this game because blizzard literally needs to fix this mess.

Thsts such an easy way out of the responsibility of running a forum tho.

All it would take is a “off topic. Locked”
Or " getting rowdy, locking this"

Just outright deleting threads looks totalitarian.

Which leads me to believe something greater was the issue.

They have shown the ability to lock threads all the time.

Threads which are deleted tend to have an issue with the OP itself.

Well, I did not see the thread so that very well could be the case.

All im sayin is, deleting threads for whatever reason, stinks.