Why do classic players say, “retail failed.”

I literally don’t notice the lack of flying when playing classic vanilla. No desire to have it or see it, maybe because I just don’t think about it. There’s much more to work on and be concerned with like making gold, farming consumables, farming preBiS, helping guildies farm their preBiS.

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I mean it’s noticeable every time you get on a flight path that it’s stupid you can’t get your own mount. It’s acceptable in the nostalgia sense because that’s how vanilla was for purely technical reasons(IE they couldn’t get the world ready for flying by launch)

Which is why it was such a requested feature and why it was one of the huge selling points of TBC.

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Are you referring to looking for raid? Are normal,heroic raids always happening like you say? What about gdkp? The last i remember of retail was gold didnt matter at all. Which is one of the main reasons i left. It just got boring. They kept removimg stuff like enchants on gear. In tbc and vanilla you needed gold to pay for stuff like consumables and enchants. If you played a lot and did stuff to earn gold you could be able to afford extra consumables like scrolls and stuff. In wrath if you play a lot you can spend your gold in gdkps. So you dont have to put up with raid loggers getting lucky rolls while the players that actually spend more time in the game get unlucky.

With the way you describe just hopping on any time you feel like and getting into a raid seems like its even more casual than ever. Im not saying that is a bad thing but its not what im looking for. I want to be able to raid more than i can now, but still have some down time to be able to farm gold, and do some bgs or wintergrasp now and then.

Wrath is close but just shy of having enough stuff to do. But at least you have stuff to spend your gold on. I wish there were more. Maybe stuff like spend 1000 gold on 400 speed flying or increased run speed, but it only lasted a month and then u had to rebuy or go back to regular speed. Maybe have a set number of uses like 50 charges that last am hour and then need to buy again.

Whenever have you no real answer to why a game is bad just make up something like this lol.

That was Blizzard’s policy at the time. They pretty much HAD to report their sub numbers. They couldn’t very well tell their shareholders, “IT’S A SECRET!” until they officially changed their policy and came up with “There are other metrics that are better indicators of the overall business.”

It’s not like they couldn’t continue to report sub numbers as well. They reported them for years when other games didn’t because they were proud of how popular the game was.


well, its def not a failure as a whole, but this game was always cattered to its vanguard community, and their new philosofies doesnt fit with most of the vanguards beliefs of what world of warcraft is.

Yeah, that was lame. Right up there with pandas, worgen, blood elves and gnomes. Oh wait… they’ve been screwing up since day 1!

I actually DO like each class having a different resource as I find that fits class fantasy better than they all use mana (looking at hunters here). What I meant was that no matter what resource you use, all of them feel the same, and might as well just have mana.

Obviously rogues and paladins are a little different with combo building but for the most part, every single class has spender/builder/big hit CD/big offensive CD. Every single class has the same type of gameplay. I can go from a shadow priest to a death knight to a monk and it’s generally the same stuff.

I dunno maybe it’s just me but I just feel like retail classes are all so similar that it doesn’t matter what you play. The exception being healers.

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Speaking for myself, you can keep your focus. It’s a piece of crap.

Wait… wait.

MOP was probably the pinnacle of class design in WOW.

While I agree they did give multiple classes similar abilities to help 10 man raiding, it doesn’t mean it was bad, the buffs maybe were, but the class designs were, for several classes, the best they have ever been.

Then WOD happened.

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The amount of “No True Scotsman” in here is without fathom lmao.

I take a drink each time someone generically handwaves at “Real WoW players”, “tourists”, “original player base” or speak of “What WoW REEEEEally is”

None of these things mean anything.


Yea it’s all about the money
We got it, hence the criticism.

Sure thing, go get em champ.

No…Not really referring to LFR. While LFR is nice in the first few weeks of a new patch, the gear is SO LOW ilvl that is isn’t worth the time to do after that. You can find normal and heroic pugs 24/7 in retail(it isn’t queued though, you have to apply/communicate to join).
GDKP won’t work currently in retail due to how the loot works. There is no lootmaster, so no one person can sell items. If you’re looking for non casual content, heroic is pretty challenging the first two months of a patch, but mythic is where it is at. Both raiding and M+, but especially raiding. You will not find too many mythic+ pugs, though they do exist, I doubt you’d ever find one that would actually full clear.

It sounds like earning gold and then using that gold is very important to you. There are goblins in retail, but it isn’t used that way in retail. You’ll have to depend in your actual ability to play, parses, and social skills to get into the best groups. The vault does help some with acquiring difficult to get gear. If not, you’ll need a regular group that will help you get your gear as gold is mostly useless when it comes to raid drops.

In this way, retail is WAY LESS pay to win, and way more skill to win. This last patch, the highest ilvl items can be crafted, so gold was heavily used to craft those items, but it’s definitely not used the same way it is in WOTLK Classic.

Wrath classic lost half of its players with the ToC patch. It failed.

Oh man, Dracthyr just look awful.

True, how they shook up meta was lovely though.

Some Wow players wrapping heads around truer support class….it was fun to read the rants.

Retail servives on bots and cash shop honestly

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I’m not an expert, but I feel bots and RMT is worse on classic, because the gold is more valuable on classic. You can buy the best loot in classic with gold, but you pretty much can’t do that in retail. You can pay people to carry you in mid level content…But the best items? It’s nowhere near as easy to pay gold for them.

I’ve never seen anything like the amount of bots in battlegrounds and in and out of dungeons like you see in WOTLK classic. Not to say they don’t exist at all…I just don’t see them. And like I said earlier, it’s probably due to lower demand.

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