Actually I do, as I majored in Game Design for a year, until switching to cyber security.
Its you guys that have NO clue what your talking about.
Actually I do, as I majored in Game Design for a year, until switching to cyber security.
Its you guys that have NO clue what your talking about.
What are you even talking about? My character progressed from 1-120, and in SL from 50-60. Just this expac my character progressed from a ~250 ilvl to a 474 ilvl with all the strength that comes with that. Just this expac my character progressed from uniting the kul tiran houses to defeating a titan made old god, to storming dazar’alore, to putting an end to queen azshara reign, to defeating the last known old god.
This game is loaded with character progression. Forcing a choice between gameplay and story progression is bad.
Then you’d know that all MMO’s are not MMORPG’s.
Bloodsail vs every goblin city that was pivotal to zone access and travel. I made that mistake only once.
Wrong, that is your mind set.
i can give a good known example of mmorpg that focus on RPG . world of warcraft every non group questline on world of warcraft every expansion and classic wow. also swtor eso tera so on and so forth lol
fun fact game types and their core tenants are in the first class you will take.
Go read a summary. You will see how wrong you are.
This is an MMOrpg. Not fallout Not Skyrim, notice how all your comparisons are single player games? There is a reason for that.
Ermagerd, you got an online degree from Phoenix University and STILL don’t know what you’re talking about.
Grats brov.
you probly dont play any mmo besides wow.
Actually ESO had ALOT of issues and needed serious course correction early on, because it was Too RPG and not Enough MMO. It caused a serious fall out of the game, they lost 90% of playwrs in the first 2 months. Only after backing off and fixing those issues did it gain traction.
They are a perfect example of why this is a terrible idea.
Capitalize any letters you want again, it’s still an mmorpg. It doesn’t matter if you type MMOrpg, MmOrPg, MMORPG, mmoRPG, MmoRPg…
World of Warcraft is a Massively Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Game.
wow is an rpg example every single quest besides a tiny handful . also the npc dialog . examples of it not being it raids bgs and dungeons which make up 5% of the game. it is an MMORPG not just rpg or just mmo but MMORPG.
I don’t, either. I’m probably going Kyrian for my main, just for looks and flavor, although the package looks pretty good for Prot. But since I don’t raid, and am extremely unlikely to /gkick myself, I don’t have a reason to give it all that much thought.
MMO is just an industry term to describe the scope of a game without going into detail. He has no clue what he’s talking about.
Forget changing covenants.
Just open up the Class abilities as talents and let each covenant have a similar way to buff them with soul binds.
Yeah the ability to rub it in their faces .
What they don’t understand is there are a lot of casuals that like to push the limit to see how far they go .
Oh wait they do understand and they don’t care if it affects those people as long as the hated 1% gets shafted.
I honestly like the system as it is. And no, it’s not because I hate anyone, or want to see anyone squirm. I’m a raider and occasionally run difficult content too. I simply like the idea of making a tough choice with real benefits and consequences.
I think the compromise I gave was a good one though, and I wouldn’t mind if they went that route. But beyond that, I’m fine with the system as it is.
People who like to experiment with different builds , play multiple spec and like to do different facets of the game. Some people find their fun in that . So they should be denied their fun just so the rper’s can soley have their fun ?
As for decisions mattering . It’s a video game nothing about it matter in even the slightest bit.
Huh say what