Then they’re not good friends or guild mates.
TBF, it all depends on what you get and being able to work with what you want.
Someone can likely have the least-optimal covenant, but if they use their class abilities and the covenant ones properly, making things work, then it likely won’t matter. Personally I’m likely going to go Fae on most of my characters… cause I’m a stereotypical ‘gamer girl’ that likes pretty things.
But I also have a Pally that’ll go Bastion, my Mage will likely go Bast cause her hubby in RP, my rogue Venth, warrior Bast, Shaman Fae, Warlock Venth, Hunter Fae, Monk Fae, DK Mald, Priest Bast, etc…
And yes I have that many 120s… I… have a problem. And they’re all relatively nicely geared, around 440-460.
Because it’s an opportunity for us to add flavor to our character, to make statements about them through our choices. If we can just take all the covenants, they’re nothing more than talents to pick at any inn, and it becomes meaningless.
boiled down its just another borrowed power…
if we are talking real rpg element… why cant i just say " i’m joining sylvanis in the maw yall have fun "
heck all my characters are loyalists…
why not let that rpg element show?
Oh the persecution complex. Blizzard, don’t do this. People just want it because they are out to get me. Come on, what level of narcissism do you have to have in order to believe that this is the only reason? Sure maybe a small group that is why but seriously everyone? Get off your horse you are not so important that an entire group of people care about you or your fun.
You know she called you nothing, right?
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If it were up to me, you’d be able to make that choice. This game needs more such options.
One reason I still think fondly on EverQuest was the diverse faction system, the choices it gave us, and the real benefits and consequences we got from them as a result.
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Because it’s how Blizzard is telling their new story. It’s not like they’re invalidating any established lore with covenants. Just wait and see what the future holds. What if post-launch patches eventually introduce developments that allow you to cross-covenant or something? Like, y’all are mad about the first patch of an upcoming expansion as if you’re oblivious to the fact that everything changes after a few months.
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Cant blame her.
Half the people in her circle was traitors… other half where incopetent…
im still down with the banshee bae.
still its more of a example of how these RPG elements arnt actually in the game in any way…
tell that story without ruining our fun.
Thats all I ask for. all I require for a dope expac.
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Just because I don’t like to min/max doesn’t mean I don’t want to make life as easy as possible for myself. This whole mess reminds me of Azerite powers. I shouldn’t have to download an addon that tells me when I’m making a bad choice. It should be pretty obvious. For example, when I rolled a mage in Classic, I looked at all the races and saw that Gnomes had an intellect buff. Boom! The choice is made. I know nothing about Covenants right now, but I know I will approach that system in the same way: I’ll ask myself, “Which Covenant is best for my class?”
I know two things:
- If the information required to answer that question isn’t obvious, I’m going to be frustrated.
- If the wrong choice is hard to correct, I will be pissed.
There’s a reason that we now have the ability to respec at will. Players hate being locked into choices that they made when they knew next to nothing about the system.
That having been said, the idea of Covenants sounds awful to me. There’s already a system that used to provide meaningful benefits and unique abilities, and it’s the profession/crafting system. I feel like Blizzard stripped all the benefits from the system for no reason, and now they’re trying to fill the void left by that horrible decision with yet another throwaway system that no one wants to learn because they know it won’t outlive this expansion. Heck, given how things have played out in that past, it’s likely to be replaced halfway through with a new Treaty system that will make all previous Covenants null and void.
Casuals actually have the most to lose here because casuals prefer simplicity, and this is introducing needless complexity than no one ever asked for or wanted. I really don’t understand Blizzard’s schizophrenic decisions. They remove badge and tier vendors because having to find a vendor to buy new gear was deemed too complex for casual players, but then they added this stupid cape that requires three vendors (MOTHER, Wrathion, and the Titanic Research Archives) to manage. For one piece of gear.
For me, Covenants are just another instance of Blizzard saying, “We want to keep life simple but make it hard.”
What I care is me, a Casual with less playing time not noob to be able to beat Endgame regardless of what Covenant I choose. I am confident Blizzard would support my claim.
I dont need one toon switching to 4 covenants. I could make 4 toons though to test each Covenants.
At the end of the day, it’s their story to tell.
If you don’t like how it’s told…? Well, um… there’s a few options.
Learn to deal with it - work with what you get. I’m sure not matter what covenant abilities, if you apply yourself the DPS difference between them will be miniscule. Literally only the top tier mythic people will care. And that’s like… .001% of the population?
Unsubscribe? I guess? I mean really there’s only two options.
its mainly because we had to deal with azerite for a solid… what 2 raid tiers while blizz plugged there ears saying " LALALALALLA " instead of admitting there flawed system.
A system we all called 4 months prior to BFA even releasing.
We can tell the future i guess cause its happening again.
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Simplicity is actually picking one choice and having to stick with it. I’m tired of having to swap things around all the time. Azerite, corruptions, and essences on top of talents and the struggles of simming every time I get a new pair of socks…anything to reduce that is going to be welcome in my eyes.
Don’t even think it was about that. I think it dealt more with… you know she’s dealing with Cosmic beings. We are all pretty much nothing when you scale things back to a cosmic level. I mean look at our own world, now pull the pan back and look at just the earth. Can’t even see us right? maybe our buildings in some cases… But now pull it back more to where you see the galaxy, don’t even see our structures anymore. We are all literally nothing.
Cant wait to pick different covenants for all my toons and get to experience more of the game.
Idc if they’re locked it makes the decision so much more important. They didnt say you cant switch, just that its hard.
And it makes sense to be this way. You people who want free swaps just do this so you can play flavor of the week before a quick nerf.
Like the guy that stacked IS to 2500 rating. How many of you were envious that you didnt have the resource ready to take advantage of that?
That makes sense.
I still find it more funny that she bounced out… as if thats a reason to disqualify her from winning the mokgora just cause she said mean words q-q
she should have turned around and sat back on her warcheif throne.
like ya hearing your leader call you nothing might seem bad… but not instantly turn traitor as a loyalist.
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It makes on a story level.
It’s a covenant. It’s freaking important.
Being able to switch around easily at will wouldn’t make any dang sense.
its not.
its just another borrowed power.
And that’s fine when the choice you’re making is obvious. When I picked leatherworking on my rogue, I knew it would synergize well with the class because rogues wear leather armor. When I picked the gnome racial on my mage, I knew that the intellect buff would help. When I rolled a tank, I knew that going with a warrior was a good call.
From what I’ve heard about this system, it shares the same problem as Azerite powers: You just don’t know what you’re getting into. That’s not a big deal if you’re able to make corrections. It absolutely sucks when you’ve dumped three weeks worth of grinding into powering up a bad choice. At least with Azerite gear, you didn’t have to start your AP grind from scratch to roll stats on a new piece of gear.