Why do bots get to do DMT without Seaforium or Invis pots?

If you think WoW tokens end botting, then you have not played Retail.


Acti/Blizzard is invested in / run by a large amount of Chinese, and it hurts profits if they need to ban these accounts.

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Considering Blizzard’s manpower, resources, and wealth of experience developing this game, we are forced to conclude that bots still exist because Blizzard allows them to exist. There is no secret trick bots use to evade bans, just apathy and greed on Blizzard’s part.


Given how much expereience in the game engine Blizzard has and the fact that Fly-hacking is not wide spread on retail, it tells me Blizzard could fix the problem if they really wanted.

The fact that the game even allows fly-hacking and has not been patched out tells me that Blizzard does not want to solve the problem. Bots = more accounts, which = more subscriptions. So no, there is zero finacial gain from patching out the exploits.

Everytime a group of accounts gets banned, Blizzard knows those farmers will get new accounts, falsly inflating their “new player” counts to stock holders and the press.

Welcome to what happens to a good company when greed and lawyers take power.



Yeah, keep drinking the kool-aide.

Ofcourse they would say that. You honestly think they would admit to wanting botting because it helps the bottom line.

If you swallow that whole line of BS I have some ocean front property in Arizona I would like to talk to you about.

The fact that Blizzard’s only response to these issues is account bans, tells the story. Instead of patching the exploit out of the game code, they choose to ban accounts.

Do the math…

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I’m going to believe the Blue post instead of the conspiracy theorists that deny facts all day long on the Classic forums.

Many other games have code that can detect and prevent fly-hacking. Simple code that goes as follows would do the trick.

Is player an admin? If NO, is player on a Flight-Path? If NO, is player above the Z coords of the ground, If Yes, flag player. Is the player staying above trhe Z coords of the ground for more that a few seconds? If yes, they are fly-hacking kick the player from server. If the player gets flaged more than 2 times in a row, ban the account.

I could code this in C#, python, or Java is less than an hour.

Done, problem solved. But does Blizzard do anything like this, no. So you tell me, conspiracy theory, I think not.

The whole thing is so easy to solve programmatically that the fact that Blizzard has not done anything about it in the game code, points to the fact that there must be some other reason not to FIX the issue permenatly.


Your stance is that the fraudulent accounts that botters use make Blizzard more money than the legitimate paying customers who leave to do fly hacking botters?

I never said more money. But botter most likely are creating new accounts at a far higher rate than legitamate players are. All I am saying is that if you take a step back and realize that Blue Posts are by employees who have a paycheck and are obligated to tow the company line, you might take it with a grain of salt on this particular subject.

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If it’s not making them more money, why would they want more accounts being created? Don’t even start on some bogus claim about shareholders…

A conspiracy theory that seems to be supported by the evidence.

So the premise is that “companies are in the business of making a profit”. Not saying this is a good or bad thing, just a thing. I don’t think many people would argue this . Please let me know if you disagree that Blizzard is in the business of making a profit.

The dispute is whether Blizzard could do more to combat RMT/botting. When it’s easily observed that bots/RMT are largely left unchecked most of the time, it’s a reasonable conclusion that Blizzard could likely do more to address this rampant and in your face problem.

So: (1) Blizzard is not taking much action against RMT/bots; and (2) Blizzard’s actions are guided by a profit motive. It’s not an unreasonable conclusion to think that the reason for this tidal wave of bots is tied directly to management’s desire for a larger bonus.

I don’t think there’s any payoffs or anything happening. I just think it’s plain old fashioned corporate greed. It makes them more money to do nothing. The choice is ours whether to continue playing, and I know I will. I’m still disappointed in Blizzard though.

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Oh so that’s what happened to the major mana pots? I suspected it may be the case, but hoped that it wasn’t. It’s pretty pathetic and offputting how rampart cheating has become in this game. I keep hearing more and more about all the exploiting going on everyday. Feels like the majority of people I know either bot / hack / whatever or know someone who does and or have no problem openly buying and selling massive amounts of gold. That’s not the kind of game I want to keep playing.

Major maan pots are down to 70s each on my server from like 5 gold not too
long ago. Superior pots cost 1.50g still. It’s beyond stupid.

Yes it is.

I think Blizzard could do much more to address bots.

You think Blizzard is doing all they can.

We’ll never agree, so it’s pointless to argue lol. Go in peace sweet delimicus

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I never said this. You’re right about us never agreeing though.

It is the same people I reported and added to y friends list.

But you think they’re taking reasonable actions to address the botting/RMT?

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No, but not because of any reason tied to monetary gains. I think Blizzard should adopt more strict policies regarding cheating and their investigations.

my favorite is watching them rise up out of the floor, when im standing in front of the portal waiting to get buffs.