Why do anti " toxic" systems empower the worst people constantly?

Speaking on the chat report system. Ive seen it abused constantly with people relying on volume of reports to inflict automated punishments that take days to overturn.

Ive had to go through it multiple times now one with only classes called in the reported content. Why do these systems exist?

They let the worst of the community harm others when the alternative is just right clicking and hitting ignore?

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The alternative is even better than that, it’s just turning off instance chat and whispers because nothing that matters happens in those anyway.


Its difficult to pvp without some idea of what people will do…

Can’t get reported if you don’t talk beyond the bare minimum in pugs.

Its what people in love with censorship and overbearing control want. They got it.


They will hit random targets and die without using their defensives. And just like that, you know what people will do in pvp.


I talk in M+ pugs all the time and I’m good. Idk I try to stay happy and positive with “how are you” and “ggs” and “it’s ok, we got this” kind of things.

Like if we wipe, “that’s ok we got it this time!” or something of the sort.


I think solo has people wanting to push others for when they lose ratings. So the system breaks down as people try to use it ad a weapon more consistently.

Oh I don’t touch arenas with a 10 foot pole cause 1 I’m not good at it and 2 I don’t want harassed in whispers. I never get that in M+.

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I think solo shuffle is really fun with chat turned off. I tried a new healer in solo shuffle with chat turned on, mistake. It took me one round to find out why dps queues are 30 minutes (hint: it’s the players). Fixed by turning off chat and having a blast!

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Ya pvp is just way too much for me. I’ve gotten all kinds of nasty whispers.

Plus it isn’t… idk scripted? Like M+ / Raiding is a dance so to speak. X y z things happen at x y z time I move I pew pew I do my “dance” and get back to it. PVP is too all over the place.

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These systems are not meant for organized trolling :stuck_out_tongue:.

Inorder to counter that you either need to get an uncorrupted person to investigate regularly , get rid of the activity completely or deal with it your way .

Because real GMs to monitor it all cost money and blizzard needs to cut payroll to earn profits for stock holders.
Automation is cheaper

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M+/raid is more like a dance where pvp is more like speed chess. Both are scripted, but pvp has a LOT of scripts, and general good moves. But just like chess, the openings are pretty standard.

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Well, the alternative is that there are rules set for a T-13 game with no actual enforcement. I see from a few posts that you don’t want moderation at all. We see how that turns out on 4-chan and 8-chan.

People who report rule violations are not “the worst”. People who abuse it, yes those are pretty bad.

Are you sure you did not actually get reported for something valid? I think this was a forum reference you made but it sounds like sometimes you might cross some lines.

You could try not saying things that are likely to get reported?

You are always free to move your thread to the Customer Support forum though if you would like clarification on policies.

To do that use the pencil symbol to edit your post. It will give you a drop down list with the forum names and you can select Customer Support to move your own thread.

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I mean the most wild thing I said was “kill the arms”

The issue was resolved it always is just the tickets take 3-4 days to go through.

Im just tired of the thuggery disrupting my gameplay. This system shouldn’t exist.

You either have players reporting what violates rules, or an AI flagging text. I prefer the players doing it. That leaves our private chats alone with friends and keeps it to public channels and groups where strangers are more likely to report - they don’t share your humor or jargon.

What they won’t do, is hire thousands of people to watch all the game chat and group channels. It is an impossible task and has the opposite impact. It makes people try to push boundaries and players don’t report thinking mods will get it. They tried it in Goldshire on a certain server and said never again. It was worse.

I would prefer ai moderation to player. You have people using the moderation tool as a weapon to strike out at people. An ai cant do so just program it to detect racial slurs and sexual comments.

The balance of harm here is completely skewed. You have people having their game play disrupted because others are to lazy to use ignore.

Here is the thing though, Blizzard’s chat policies for all games and forums are basically rated G. We are not allowed to use profanity, masked profanity, slurs/insults, sexual comments, spam, advertising outside the rules, etc.

What you want is a change to the core Blizzard policies on all games and for reporting to be replaced by AI that is easily evaded. Just like chat filters are easily avoided.

I really don’t think Blizzard is going to agree to drop the chat policies we have had since 2004. Nothing in it is new. Your AI version would cause you issues in private groups that Blizzard currently leaves alone.

Um, don’t break the game rules and you won’t have anything to ignore.

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Yeah solo shuffle is where I got threats from, that and if you say something against someone on the forums/trade chat sometimes you end up with a nasty whisper or mail.

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Oh I got those before. I just report them in the mailbox and put them on ignore.

I don’t even respond and if they make another mail or bypass the ignore function by deleting the character I open a GM ticket.