Why do anti " toxic" systems empower the worst people constantly?

I didnt break any of the games rules… I even had a gm clear me. Im just growing increasingly frustrated on how we think dealing with toxic people is to take away their knives and give them guns instead.

What exactly is it blizzard is selling? Games based on war and killing satan or hello kitty island?

I admit im lazy. I didn’t care till it affected me but now it is and im annoyed beyond all measure. At the very least they shouldn’t inflict any account action untill having a person review the report.

Ahh maybe I should. I reported the mail but they did delete the character so I couldn’t use ignore.

The game content is rated anywhere from G to M, depending on the game. The chat content is rated G, always has been. Game content is pre-made and reviewed by ratings boards. Parents (and others) can decide ahead of time if they want to play that kind of game content.

Player interactions can’t be predicted and are not rated by the ESRB. They have to follow the game company policies.

Blizzard does not want players treating players badly. Falsely reporting you and getting you actioned can get them suspended. You would need to include that in your appeal.

I guess I will next time but im not going to lie I highly doubt there is a penalty for false reports. I believe they will sacrifice gameplay over letting people be responsible for themselves and using ignore. Instead we will give highly abusive systems and end up worse then when we started.

They will, if the logs back it. Same for ongoing harassment. Heh, a certain streamer decided to abuse the reporting system and have his followers report a normal text line. Ban, SILENCED! Yes, an automated system for a ton of fast reports used mostly for gold sellers. He got a suspension for abusing the report system.

I am not sure what you think is “new” about the policies or penalties. They are actually more lax now than they were long ago. They have always depended on players reporting.

Here is a decent example from the past week.

Did they look into the reports because it was a streamer or because it was sudden?

The problem with rated solo shuffle is it builds up over a day or so of playing. It isnt a constant either you can go weeks without salty players doing it.

Don’t get me wrong I actively despise this system and the mindset that brought it about but I woukd settle with it not actively being abused against me.

It’s like you’ve been watching me… :eyes:

I hate to bring up FF14, but they went an extra step in their PVP matches. No open chat, only specific macro’ed phrases like “to the west” ect. I found it annoying to be muted like that. But it does keep the reporting chat down to 0 in pvp because its all pre approved lines of text.

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After a certain number of reports, Blizzard reviews what YOU said, then bans, the problem is they never see what other players around you said to provoke you. It’s funny how people always say this is an MMO and you should be social, when it’s anything but, saying the “wrong” thing will get you banned if it offends someone, so you basically need to disable chat completely.

This game has a report feature on nearly everything, chat, pet frames, player frames, it’s crazy, compare that to FFXIV which has far less bad behavior and the reporting is entirely manually and buried inside of the help system and must be filled out manually. The only easy to report from chat is RMT activity and it clearly states if you misreport you will be punished.

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Back before the RMT auto report, i had made a macro to report the last player who had whispered me. It was so bad sometimes by the time id hit the button, 2 or 3 more whispers had hit me.

Ai is still Dumb. Ppl are just going to use Kitten and Richard to bypass the Ai :stuck_out_tongue:

Only you have control over your fingers on the keyboard.

Don’t take the bait, if someone is “provoking” you. Or shout up a blue streak in the safety of your home, to yourself and your dog. If you can’t control yourself from typing things back into the chat window that could get you reported, which as you note is exactly what trolls are going for, then just put them on ignore early and often.

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