Why do Americans fawn over Canadians so much?

Canadians as far i know have a very relaxed inmigration policies, and it’s easier to latin american stundents and workers obtain the visa and live there.

And also, You have very amazing places to see, and many natural beuties to gaze upon.



One that i believed in until someone i know had to actually use it.

lol… appointments booked 16months in the future. lol.


Yeah instead we wait 8 hours in the ER and then owe the hospital thousands of dollars


“Can’t afford a life saving surgery or treatment? Die then” - America


Trust those of us from here. Many of us save up some money so we can go to the states and get critical proceedure done asap. rather than waiting 8 month for an MRI.


Wouldn’t mind some of that national healthcare.

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“Can’t wait 16month to see a specialist for that cancer? Too bad! If u die before u see a doc, then we don’t have to see you!”


“Oh hi trans person. Need hormones? You need insurance or it’s going to be really expensive. Gee I wonder why ya’ll have such a high suicide rate. Mystery that.”

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Uh, oh. It’s starting to get political.

Red alert! Red alert! Run for the hills! Batten down the hatches! The storm has arrived!


I dunno what you guys are talking about, waitlists are also a thing in the US. It’s not over a year but I’ve called to make regular appointments for my wife for a simple psychiatrist eval, next available appointment is 10 weeks down. That was the best case scenario, previous insurance there were no in-network available doctors.



quebec is beautiful you uncultured swine


oh and the mistaken belief that Tim Hortons > Dunkin
it’s just so cute


its trash.

I see you’ve mistaken quebec with yourself


I like maple syrup


its ugly its trash and its an embarrasment to even canadians from other areas of canada.

Well, as an American with a few Canadian friends, there are things I like about Canadians in general…but that doesn’t mean I worship Canada or its fine citizens. I don’t.

  • I like Canada’s baseline value for politeness. Like the UK, manners matter in Canada, and I like that.

  • I like Canadian patriotism. It’s a soft but genuine pride in the good parts of their country, and I love patriotism–the love of one’s home clan/culture/nation. /shrug. I like how Canada “does” patriotism.

  • Canada is a beautiful country, much like my own, and the natural beauties y’all have up there are worth looking at.

But worship you? Don’t flatter yourself, OP. And Canadians don’t hate Americans. Some Canadians do. Some Americans do. Some of just about every country on earth does. That doesn’t make you special or standout. I like Canada because they make an excellent neighbor and I’ve met several lovely Canadians. I’ve met some not-lovely Canadians, too. So…people are people.


You take that back!
They were the only place i could get coffee that equalled stuff i can get back here in Europe!

I don’t think even the OP knows what they are talking about.

1/10 for linking WW2 to Canada in the present but the rest is gibberish.

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