Can we just have them start off as level 1 like the rest? I want to make a level 1 Vulpera bank character and I think it’d be pretty neat.
Because they don’t have a starting zone.
But the intro quests can just be treated like starting zone quests
Be that as it may, that is why they start at 10.
So have a level 10 bank alt. Does the level matter if it’s just your bank alt?
I personally like the intro scenario on Vulpera. Taking on Stormwind Keep to rescue political allies is quite fun.
What difference does it make if your bank toon is lvl 1 or 10?
So, we all have to grind 9 levels because you think it would be “neat” to have a lvl 1 bank toon?
This request makes no sense lol
Blizzard could allow an option at creation (like core races have) for allied races to start in Exile’s Reach at level 1 or at their regular starting location at level 10. That wouldn’t address those who just want a lvl 1 allied race bank alt (since you can’t leave Exile’s Reach at level 1), but it would allow allied races to start at 1 and do the Exile’s Reach content.
If being summoned out of Exile’s Reach is possible, then a lvl 1 allied race character could be possible I suppose.
Why would you though…
I mean level 10 is better anyways. You can mount. My bank toons are allied races for that sole purpose.
I actually like the Exile’s Reach experience. I would like to be able to take any race through it and don’t mind starting at level 1 since Exile’s Reach guarantees level 10 by the end.
Because we had to work to unlock those races. It is a small reward for the effort we put in.
My thoughts exactly.
I was kinda happy my KT started at 10.
Aside from a Warlock (or a summoning stone if there’s no level restriction), someone will eventually find a way.
Pre-SL, someone found a way to get a Worgen out if the starting zone, so it’s possible.
Heck, you can even get a non-Worgen into the Worgen starting zone lol.
If you mean the new island, you can’t leave until you finish at about lvl 10 anyway.
Why not just have a lvl 10 bank alt? It’s a bank alt who cares.
If you’re below level 10, you can’t accidentally learn mounts you intend to sell.
OK, that one does make sense.
Could you make a level 1 Orc bank alt and then race change it to Vulpera?