Why do alliance like playing epic BGs where there are 20 or fewer horde there

wydm lol i culd care less wut teh guy talkin bout n 2 himself on alts on teh forum think about me

lol @ Ruthless pulling a Kevin Durant.

I’m not surprised… at all.

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he been cauht multipl times now :clown_face: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


:yawning_face: :yawning_face: let me know when you guys got anything new. ill bbl

if a premade com causes a short side by not accepting its bad but if a pug team causes one by mass afks it “what else are we supposed to do?”
is this hypocrisy or just a fun coincidence?

The best part about adding Ruthless to your friends list is… he counts as five different friends.


opshun 3 false ekwivalince q dodg screws teem b4 gates open ppl afk after teemfight alrdy loost

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lmao :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

sounds like a chicken/egg scenario

big booty latina :drooling_face:


incase u mist it

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ok I have genuinely zero problem reading urcringe posts (honestly they make more sense than most q syncer posts)

But im genuinely surprised I got this without any issue

thats it i stack heals AHEM LOOK OUT WORLD i am the 1 woman healer army be afraid :smiling_imp:

oh my what have we here


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