Why do alliance like playing epic BGs where there are 20 or fewer horde there

What all do you find fun about it. ?

Im only there to hang out with my friends, to gain some honor and a few conquest points. :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:


I’m not really talking about you, but mainly the super late night people. They play games vs. 20 horde pugs because so many AFK out it just keeps not being able to fill. I would think people want actually fun, more evenly matched games?

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Brute Force. Amalgam of other friendly communities that get together after EST prime time.

Unfortunately if you’re facing them, they have some good leads and players from a ton of other groups. Fortunately, BF isn’t super serious. They’re a friendly and fun bunch more into the late night social side of PvP who probably hate the 20/40 matches as much as you do and will faction swap in a flash to balance things out.

Get in touch and they’ll prob let you know when they’re running horde if you feel like beating up some alliance.


It’s a shame some pvp communities are full of haters. Not saying you are, but there are some that do this. To get back to the original question, it’s the pvp communities that are doing this when some communities are watching others to see whether they will take a certain bg. It’s a hot mess right now. It’s nice to hear there aren’t many haters in your group.

Hey remember que syncing isnt breaking the game folks.

Those 20 people probably just missed the que by being afk.

Games being 20-40 doesn’t just happen late night… the que will never pop when its 20v40 its a biproduct of people dropping ques en mass.


I appreciate that friend, bsg is only shooting themselves in the foot the way they treat folks. I dont feel sorry for them at all.

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Exactly what Nine said. I play ally for a bit once DJL folks have turned in to bed for work and such. I like it because I don’t have to lead and I can relax a bit and just play. No one likes to play against a half filled team. On Horde, when we face a half filled team we move objectives to end it as fast as we can. Most of the time it back fills and works out though.

Why wouldn’t you duel me the other day?

Eh? Then why do they always stack 4-6 monks + 4 priests, 3 druids and 6 ret pally’s at 3am when it’s purely vs horde pugs?

And every top dps is running with pocket healers?

You don’t even need to be a great leader; just say “zurg them 20!”


I’m busy doing admin stuff and multi tasking, including parenting. I don’t do primetime duels, I’m too busy.

By that they mean afking while the 6 healer premade carries.

“Admin” l m a o

Running premades is like the irs you know.


There’s actually quite a lot of HR involved with running a successful guild and community. I did 10 yrs in HR, I know.

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I’m sure you have to manage the payroll of everyone in the premade coming from your own pocket. Hard work

Paying for everybody’s mics potentially to

Or doing countdowns in cadence to break the ques.

I like av alot that’s y

I don’t pay anyone, nor am I paid.

We don’t stack heals btw. We bring what we enjoy playing which is why you will always see me on my Dark Iron shaman or my OG Troll shaman with almost the exact same names. We are not told “ok all healers swap to your monks so we can roll pug groups” GTFO with that comment!

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There is a premade that stacks MWs and boomies but they are beatable if they don’t evaporate you first. I played against them a couple of times in S3.

When I age, perhaps I can join your community. Thanks for your kind words.

“they have some good leads”

Actually, the majority of premade group leaders are not very good. We’ve seen this when they run partial premade teams.

Recently I saw an Alliance leader in my Horde PUG team, going up against his own group. It’s truly weird, I don’t know why he did that—maybe he was trolling or maybe he just forgot to remove the mercenary buff and queued solo.

He kept preaching in our battleground chat, completely unware of the fact that his premade team was losing to a PUG. All of a sudden, Alliance general died. He stopped educating us and left immediately. It was so dam embarrassing.

Alterac Valley is an excellent epic battleground that exposes the weaknesses of these so-called “good leaders.”