Why do alliance like playing epic BGs where there are 20 or fewer horde there

Easy to say when you’re in the team running this daily vs pugs. :person_shrugging:

If you and your friends are that good, you just need a team of 5 friends not a raid of 35-40 “friends” vs pugs unless… you know… You want to be carried by your 39 friends over casual pvp. :joy:


Just curious dont you run with x community anyway? forgot the name. It just happens that BF has alot of healer players. can’t change what classes people play

Let me politely correct that for you Ruthlessbro.

I’m forced to play with a Horde premade for 2-3 games a night because it would be silly to pug vs Alliance premades who do it 24/7.

Hey, stop running premades and I’d be glad to NOT have to join one.

Do you mean I should continue to solo-q while you’re in a premade 100% of the time? Really?


Dont hate the player, hate the game, I support cross faction bgs… until that happens. we have what we have till changes happen :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug:

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My horde paladin understands your frustration. As much as I’m against premades I recognize that it puts people in a needing to fight fire with fire position. I think we should make a thread of all the people that can fight dirty so we can form some 5 man anti-sync legal groups. We may not win it by ourselves but we can play a critical role in towers or some nasty, squad level combat.



Stop it Snowcrest, you’re forcing me to like your post now.

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Just like I’m forced to kill MM hunters. Sorry about that, man.

actually I’m not sorry

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I should stack mastery on my ret right? I’m trying… I went full haste for some reason and realize I hit like a fast noodle.

I love charging at MM on my ret… I think I’ll hurt more if I go full mastery.

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Yes mastery is the best.

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At the end of the day nobody is undefeated in a duel, no shame in losing. I have lost many and you were sitting in the hub for quite some time, but you do you!

Hmmm I don’t play with premades and do pretty good. I do end up with premades on my side sometimes though. I ended up in a Ruthlessbro premade last night on horde side.

Hey buddy, Hope you had fun :love_you_gesture: :+1: :smiley: if you want to join our cross faction community feel free to apply to Brute Force. we’re just a group of people that want to q and have fun without any drama

I looked your group up but I couldn’t find it in the community tab

did you have cross faction selected in the community finder tab? most forgot about that and can’t find it

awe that must have been it. I’ll check again tonight. Thanks!

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I get why you think it’s funny. Most of the horde comm leads know I don’t run with Horde premades as much as you think I do. Even one or two of the BF lead know this.

It’s not my fault my team of two or three looks like a full premade to you.

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Time to start the “It’s a Dida premade” rumor on alliance side with my alt. Psychological warfare.

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Won’t work. They don’t know me. Hordes dont even know me. :rofl:

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Alliance is too busy looking at Saob and company in the morning. It is crazy how both side behave the exact same way.

“FACTION always loses” is the best.