I’ve tried to main a druid this expansion. I really did. I tried to figure out all the specs and how to play them. I tested different talents and play styles within the specs. All of them feel terrible. The best feeling spec of the four seems to be Balance, but even it seems gimmicky. Either you’re dancing with Eclipses or you’re Lunar Calling the Starfire out of enemies. And that’s the one that feels best - Elune’s Chosen.
Balance has a different problem as well. One of theme and aesthetics. Druids used to be all about the Flora and Fauna - the living parts of nature, while Shaman were about the non-living parts. The strength of stones, the volatility of fire, etc. Over time Druids seem to have lost a lot of that theme, that connection to the living, breathing part of the world. Now its all stars and moons and celestial alignments, and …not the things that live and breathe and grow. Balance, as a spec, makes more sense as a 4th Mage spec than as what most would envision when they hear the word Druid. Druids seem like they have more Arcane spells/talents than an actual Arcane Mage. What happened to spells like Insect Swarm? Why can’t a storm of crows come in and attack the area instead of sparkly light particles? Why no Thornwhip? Why did they have to make Arcane Moon Mages out of the class that was supposed to be Life Magic themed?
Feral just seems to have too much going on. The rotation seems fairly straightforward, if you have any experience with an Assassination Rogue, but somehow it’s just wrong. Its potent though.
Guardian is probably the most straightforward and it has all the tools it needs to do the job, but it really feels like it needs more than Wild Charge, or Wild Charge needs a second charge.