Why Dishonorable Kills failed at their intended purpose

Loot trading in raids is a good compromise, because that’s where the most significant Help Desk requiring time consumption is. Without it, Classic would be treading on the “not financially viable” quicksand.

Can you please elaborate on this “Sniff test”

cause it sounds an awful lot like you are just making it up as you go along with no actual criteria.

Cause I would say Guild Banks are the EXACT same as Loot trading.
They can and both were done in vanilla, except it was done by using workarounds and time consuming. Both have had solutions implemented that would do nothing to affect the playing of Classic and will make it much easier to do so.

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Once again the authentic experience in a non argument because there’s a major change in that the game is in a permanent state at 1.12, there is loot trading, and sharding is more than likely a possibility atleast at the launch.

Just because you can’t see the logic of not wanting DHK’s when it causes the potential of major griefing and the likelihood that there will be mass complaints when people decide to kill DHK’s simply to pad the number in the honor stat.

This isn’t 2006 anymore, people will do things just to create problems for others for fun.

Leaving it in is asking for more problems then it solves ( it solves nothing ).

God there is no way I’m reading all these replies, but I don’t care if it was in vanilla or not, DHK is cancer and should be removed.

It was a god-awful system and I don’t care about your thin “it wasn’t vanilla” defense.


Follow the thread up. Loot trading is implemented to save Blizzard the overheads of a heavily staffed Help Desk. Its got nothing to do with the fact that it was otherwise possible to do something similar.

In the end of the day. Its their game b.

tru dat dawgity

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you completely missed the point of that statement…

The fact that should be scary is the fact that they made any change to the loot trading system, for no reason other than a vocal minority baseless complaints.

Slippery slope arguments are a fallacy. Just because loot trading was added to help Blizzard save on staffing costs, and Sharding may be included to ensure a smoother launch and long term viability, doesn’t in any way translate to you not enjoying the fact that you have to be far more careful when you raid an opposite faction quest hub or major city.

They did it in 2006 too. Literally there were certain people you would not invite into your Raid group, because you knew they’d intentionally DHK.

Welcome to Vanilla.

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Again you said there is a “sniff test”

But all you have said is some things pass it and others don’t

You have given no reason why some things pass and others don’t. I postulate its because its just your own personal opinion, and thus is a terrible test.

Please explain how something passes this mythical test and why we should care at all about it.

Slippery slope is not a fallacy…

Not having DHK’s will also give an authentic Vanilla experience since DHK’s were not always part of Vanilla.

Note: I am neither advocating that DHK’s be part of Classic nor that DHK’s be absent from Classic. I am just stating the fact that either way would be in keeping with Vanilla.

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Changes should only be made to ensure that Classic is stable and viable long term, not because people want it easy, didn’t like the content, want it harder, want different things in different places or a myriad of other “Because I want it” things.

Removing DHK’s is a quality-of-life change. Blizzard is not making a new MMO, they’re making a museum recreation of what the game was like in Vanilla. Vanilla had DHKs. Therefore Classic should and by this post will have DHKs. There is no need to remove them, and no-one has yet provided a fundamental issue with their inclusion except for “But I don’t wanna”.

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Adding DHKs is a quality of life change.

Vanilla also had AV 1.5, and supporting 1.12 AV is a quality of life change.

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Gotcha, you have no idea what you are talking about. Good to know.

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I’m yet to see a single person ask for a 43 day hiatus of DHKs at the start of Content Patch 2. The vast majority of the time that the PVP Honor system was in place, so were DHKs.

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They were in Vanilla. Therefore they are in Classic.

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So were bugs. you dont want those back.

So why do you want a bugged system?

That’s a stability and long term viability change, not a quality of life one.

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I’m not against progressive itemisation and progressive AV, but you’re not going to get it because of costs.

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