Why didn't we get per mount flying type settings?

That’s why we didn’t get it.


That’s a totally different issue the…you said it was just for people to pick one and use it. The thing is, that is taking away what they already gave people. They quadrupled the swap time and people don’t like that because well…seemed to work fine. People seem to really hate not being able to do that so…why do they want to stop people from doing that?

Agreed but that was likely because they wanted to allow players to use their other mounts and/or just use Steady Flight if they choose after a year with only Dragon Riding but they also hadn’t finished the mount conversions yet.

I bet if they had finished making all the mounts available for Sky Riding when Pathfinder came out in DS we’d have had a toggle.

There are only two reasons for the toggle.

  1. They don’t want player swapping all the time to get the benefits of both styles with zero friction. (Blizz loves friction)
  2. There’s a technical reason.
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Why didn’t we get per mount flying type settings?

because then Ions annoying 5 second swap wouldnt mean much.

We got the simplest best option. All flying mounts can fly either way and all you have to do to switch from one to the other is to push one button.

What could be more simple than that?

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I honestly think it is this and they just didn’t have the sack to say it up front. That is what has led to people being dissapointed. The way they implemented came with a negative that people were not expecting.

Typical bad communication and community engagement sounds like the issue. They should just grow a pair and make it all new flying or give us what we want. The in between is even worse.

It is simple, but not best. It is also slow and unwieldy in practice. So what we got was simple, wide ranging, and pisses people off. At least make it instant cast…but you still end up with fewer ways to customize and that sucks.

Maybe an in-between would be a flight default type, and the ability to set per mount. Then everyone would be happy…except likely Blizzard who actually did this to curb the use of flight style switching but didn’t say that outright thus causing an uproar.

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I think if they could they would have bagged Steady Flight and made Sky Riding the only way to fly. But as you said Blizzard lacks plums.

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I just miss my helicopter blades, the flying machines aren’t the same without it.


I just wish they would be honest and say, “switching was leading to people getting too much gathering and tricky hidden items to fast. We want to tamp that down so the swap has a long cast time.”

Without that level of respect for your customers we get threads debating what the heck is going on, and it doesn’t help anyone.


Imagine setting a mount type per mount. There are 800-900+ mounts in game currently.

Thats a lot of individualization per mount per toon per account.
That seems like a massive undertaking in terms of development.

If anything, they need to just reduce the time it takes to swap.

Blizzard doesn’t want people switching between flight styles. That’s why.

It’s not. They basically did everything you would need with the favorites system. The mounts are not individual items exactly, they are likely classes of items. You wouldn’t have to do it by hand. Blizzards side would not be much more work than a full toggle. You could even do it without adding extra data if you leverage a Null value for it.

Biggest thing would be adding a second check box. Just get rid of favorites and turn it into static flying favorite and dynamic flying favorite. If neither is set the mount uses their default flying value which is already set.

From a programming / tech stand point at the very worst it would be a few extra booleans. I think it can be done without adding any extra data though.

Oh and currently favorites are server wide so don’t think that would have to change here. Just tie it into that system.

I wager the toggle will be changed to 1 or 2 seconds within the next six months and Blizzard will slap themselves on the back for being so magnanimous.


To specifically remove that degenerative playstyle.

Blizzard didn’t “want” players switching covenants either. They can make very boneheaded decisions.

Player-hostile design like that should get people fired if they can’t lay out some VERY good reasons for it. The great unsubbing of SL S2 should have weeded most of those idiots out of the company but it seems some are still clinging around.

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I cast my vote for laziness.

“player hostile design” apparently means making the game an rpg.

Any game where you can’t instantly switch to the most meta build for every individual scenario is “hostile design.”

Yep, just like how not letting the player go afk in mid air is “hostile design.”

No wonder this game is dead. Because blizzard keeps caving to the 1% of players who are already addicted to this game.

Probably can’t do it without breaking the rest of the game, lol.

No it means making choices you cannot defend as meaningful or important.

Is there an exploitative reason for the cast time on switching? No, obviously not.
Is there a coding reason? No, dismounting alone has always been enough to reset modes.
Is there some kind of challenge or skill expression to preserve? No, if someone wants to use both then they know how to use both.
Is it immersion or aesthetic breaking? No, because 490 of the 500 flying mounts already operated that way, and still can.

Is it just to add friction for no apparent reason? If yes, FIRED.

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Is there an exploitative reason for the cast time on switching?


Is there some kind of challenge or skill expression to preserve?


Is it immersion or aesthetic breaking?


Static flying is exploitative, immersion breaking, and less skill expressive than dragon riding. That’s why dragon riding is the default, that’s why blizzard is trying to promote it.

But they aren’t ready to get rid of static flight yet so this is their comprimise. And it makes perfect sense to anybody who pays attention.