Why didn't we get per mount flying type settings?

I think the biggest issue with the whole new flying type swap is…everyone wanted per mount flying settings. I have not heard anyone say that having a favorites like setting where we set every mount as one flying type or another was not the best option.

So why did we get the weird swap all of them, instead of that? We already have favorites in mounts…seems like that same bit of data could be used for an extra option by using Null, True, and False to keep everything working the same way.

So why didn’t we get the simplest best option?


Good idea, seems like a no brainer W


While we are asking, I want favorites on a character, not account, basis…


I feel like the next complaint would be that it takes too long to allocate people’s mounts into one or the other.

Right now the only issue is the cast time with the flight toggle.


One time vs everytime is a huge difference. Also the ability to select which ones do what is a huge difference. You could combine the two by setting a default that is cast time togglable and a per mount override, but I think that is all just being anti for no reason.

The per mount option is what most people I have spoken two preferred. Set and forget.

one of the reason why they did not do it is my guess
is that players with 500+ mounts would only pick 2 mounts to have steady and dynamic flight waste of a feature

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Because it’s Blizzard?


How? Most people use favorites or pick a certain mount and use it. You set those mounts to favorite so why wouldn’t you be ok with setting their flight types? Would literally be a favorite steady flight, or favorite dragonflight check box, and if they really implemented it well you would have to summon random favorite icons.

Right now people will just use one mount, or a favorite so it would give the same function you just get to decide.

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Individually flagging seems like it’s probably way more work to implement, both coding and for the 11.0 conversion process.

That’s not a waste. That’s working exactly as players want it to. There don’t NEED to be a lot of each, only the ability to make a decision and get on the type of mount wanted. I’d be fine if only a single mount could be picked for static flight, because I care about the decision not the cosmetic.

It might make a lot of people happy but someone high up on the Dev food chain has deemed that simple solutions that make players happy are not as good as complicated ones that frustrate many.

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And then added a 5 second timer for seemingly no reason.

How did that dev discussion go down? Should we spend a bit more time and conver it to soothing they want or a good chunk of time and testing converting it to something they don’t?

Let’s go with the one they don’t and just for an extra chance they will hat it quadruple the time to swap flight types! That should go great!

Given the response I think it would have been time weel spent…as the time they did spend seems like it is gonna be wasted when people keep complaining about it and they change again.

I agree it was probably some management short term thought process but man it was a bad one.

Sorry one other thing in this point…not sure why it would be. I mean let’s compare the two.

What they did
Every mount has a variable that says flight type. They made it so they all now pull from one variable so every mount now points to that and it flips back and forth

What they could have done
Leave default variable on each mount. Override that based on favorites. Change check box for favorites to two check boxes that effect the same variable. Favorites stable flight, and favorite dynamic flight. If null or neither checked go default, if stable fav checked stable flight, if dynamic fav dynamic flight.

I don’t think the difference in code is actually that much more and you wouldn’t add extra data that way. Seems pretty simple as they are all just a class of objects, so you change the class you change them all…might be multiple classes but I don’t think more than 4.

That’s overcomplicating it a bit, which would honestly make it more annoying in my opinion. What I’d suggest is making the “cast” to switch styles shorter (like 0.5 or 1 second), and make switching activate a short buff that reduces the cast time of the next mount you use, so that both combined take 1.5 seconds, same as mounting normally.

No need to sift through your entire mount journal, no arranging and keeping multiple lists, no worrying about having it set up across the account vs per-character.

Or you can simplify it by adding a global toggle.
I don’t get why you need 2 mounts with 2 different flight types.
The toggle fixes a multitude of asks and problems without bloating the system with features.

If they fix the toggle so it STAYS toggled, I think a lot of complaints would go away.

It’s not the only issue.

The other issue is that when you go to use the favorite mount button on your hotbar, it will only summon ground mounts when steady riding is active. At least when I’m leveling my alt right now in Draenor it’s doing that, and it’s annoying I have to drag separate flying mounts to my bars just to steadyfly.

I think keeping it closer to the way it was is usually better. Especially when you factor in flight form and things like that. They changed more than they had to by adding this instead of just letting people setup their mounts the way they want.

I can see liking the switch but think it is more complicated because it reverts and does weird things when you relog, or rezone. I swapped it then logged out and back in, and it reverted to the new flying. So I went to fly and wasn’t expecting what I got. I think the new way is more complicated actually because of those details.

I think that is because relogging sets it back to the new dynamic flying, so you need to hit the button every time you log in to get static flying enabled. So it sounds like they also have issues with it dealing with zones with restrictions/level restrictions.

Just a weird mess. They can at least make the change persistent.

Did you ever think that the toggle is just there to allow you to pick your preferred flight style if you hate Sky Riding or can’t use it for whatever reason and not meant to allow players access to both at the same time? Thus the cast time?

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Why do people who are already involved in this conversation in multiple other threads, keep making new threads about this?

But…why would you need a cast time at all then? It doesn’t need one. The only thing the cast time does is take away from peole who want to switch back and forth.

I actually wanted to make a thread specifically about why they didn’t do the thing most people wanted. The current situation is what it is, but the why is really what is bugging me. I just can’t come up with much of a reason except short term thinking or wanting to force people to not use both. I really want to know why they went with what to me seems like horrible design.

Donʻt know why.
Might not be as simple as you make it seem.
If it could be done, that would be bestest.

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That’s why you need a cast time. Blizz wants you to pick and not swap back and forth it seems.