I have been playing retail, and thought I would give cata classic another go since I noticed there was a 50% experience gain. I started this character due to that bonus. Now it’s gone and now this has become a grueling experience to level. I’m doing quests and such, while sitting in Group Finder for over an hour. You encourage the exploration of other classes by adding an incremental bonus on retail. I don’t understand why not here. Please add Joyous Journeys back, and leave it there. Thanks.
They detected fun…
Yeah, I guess so. They really know how to kill a game.
leveling is fun. skipping to the end is not.
To be fair, we had the buff for a while now, it isn’t Blizzards fault you didn’t notice it until the very last minute.
Says who? Why are you trying to speak for other people?
It’s fair to end it ofc… but not fair to not say a word about when it will end to the community.
This is what I’m talking about!
a good player.
3 weeks is a while? Thats clearly some intern’s fault, but the state of classic is sad nothing suprises me at this point.
It will eventually come back when they realize the problem, maybe in a week or so…
I want blizzard to at least confirm if this is a bug or if Joyous Journey is done for
this has happened at least 2 times before to classic, its probably an accident, we’ll know soon
Devs don’t care. They only care about SoD.
The game felt much more alive with the Joyous Journey buff but now it is dead again… I guess that it is time to take a break from leveling until the buff comes back and log only for the raids? To have one hour queue is not exactly fun when before it was ten minutes on any class/spec with the buff…
I do not know why it was removed but it was a really silly decision because the leveling side is practically dead without the buff…
To be fair you aren’t on the most populated of realms. Whitemane has been pretty lively all day without the joyous buff. Even now at 5am ST there are still people flying around Orgrimmar.
You keep using that word, fun, I don’t think it means what you think it means
Yes because that is what makes a good player, the levelling…
And what about raiders who keep saying leveling sucks ?
If more ppl be like you. What is the fun to “rush, rush, rush” ? WoW is such a beautiful world.
I opened a ticket and two Game Masters stated that this was not supposed to be disabled. I would advise everyone to open up a ticket to bring more attention quicker to this issue.