Why did you leave SoD?

I left after realizing how much the developers don’t care about PvP players. Before the start of SoD, we were promised a sea of ​​pvp and various PvP events, which interested me, which pushed me to the idea that the developers would not care about the pvp balance. What are we seeing now?
New BGs? Arenas? Interesting PvP events? Class balance in PvP?
I got my R14 on Ret and Enha immediately after this feature opened and I don’t even play anymore
The whole balance now goes only around PvE, range classes like Hunter or Owl feel like gods in PvP, pressing 2 buttons and killing you in 2 GCD from 42 yards. I just can’t play it out of respect for myself.
P.s. I discovered a really cool PvP mmo - Warhammer online, it’s a pity that I didn’t find it earlier, this is the discovery of the year for me and my friends!.

Tell me why you stopped playing SoD


Shamans in P3


To be honest, I’m shocked how much WoW is not a pvp game. I mean, in Warhammer I still come across new BGs for myself that I haven’t played there before, even though I’ve already reached the maximum level. They released it in 2008 and there are more BGs and arenas than in the current WoW 2025, it’s just funny

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Not reading a tweet that warriors would be paying restitution for the design of the game. Should have just played ffxi for nostalgia. Oh well, enjoyed gladiator warrior for a phase. I did miss gladiator from WoD.

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No content.
All we got was a, while decent it still is what it is, a private server scroll system that turned into a rune system that was just retail abilities. Sure, here and there was something new like balefire bolt or regen, but majorly was just a way to bring retail abilities to SoD.

PVP imbalace. 1-2 classes having a near guarantee one shot for half a phase despite the promise to balance it better was just a huge miss.

unfinished content was the biggest one from me. We already know blizzard is looking at private servers constantly, so they HAVE to know of turtle wow. Even if they disregarded everything TW did, they have their own wealth of information from everything from 0.5.3 alpha at minimum to now, that they could have used to make this actually what they said it was supposed to be.

And yet, the best they could come up with, is take the historically most disliked dungeons of vanilla and make them the sole endgame content for the phase? Not even give us options but literally only give us the one?

Then bgs came into the picture. Why not choose now to add Kalidar? or Azshara Crater? Instead what did they do? Literally nothing at all.

Moving on forward though the phases, there was less and less discovery content at all until finally, at the BWL content phase, and beyond there being a zone trigger for BRM and some ring runes, there is absolutely nothing special about BWL phase.

Now, in the AQ phase, there is literally nothing. Unless you count the weird loot system theyve done every 60 raid as “content”.

Going into naxx it looks like they are FINALLY doing something, but it’s too late. A year of empty words and broken promises gets us, what, 1 dungeon that is just an instanced version of the demon area in ashenvale, 1 “raid” that is just tyrs hand but instanced, and going on the track record of SoD, KC might not even be what it could have been?

Incursions. Seriously? transparent vines, a green filter, and NO other change? You don’t even have to use the vanilla ED map, you literally have the DF emerald dream map to pull from and you had the snippet at the end of the emerald nightmare. Put SOME effort into that instead of just worrying about the modes of the game that have a cash shop.

If I wanted to play SoM, I would have played it when it was around. I don’t need to go through it here.


The increased raid size in Phase 3. Our group of 10 friends from Wrath/Cata were really enjoying SoD during the ICC content lull. Once they announced that Phase 3 would be 20-mans we all basically stopped playing overnight. Most of our group consists of former officers/GMs and none of us wanted anything to do with managing or merging with a larger team.



giving horde the best alliance racials

alliance just giving up in pvp in general.

as alliance you join and just lose, as horde you join and just win - pvp is just overall unfun. the irony is i get honor faster on alliance



Today I went to try the changes for Enha shaman on my R14 enha, I left after this. In p14 this is all my HP, the hunter destroyed them in less than 1 second.

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I found the rune system silly and the hand ins annoying With no gold you had to have a method of not relying on previously cheap items to fill them from the AH. and of course their were people taking advantage of every advantage and I can’t blame them for that but fkme I guess lmao.

Back for a look, without some TBC info I’m not committing to a version of wow beyond
Retail can kiss my booty

too many blunders through out the phases, like ruining the eco with the incursion fiasco, and the lack of pvp creativity, they are giving the the anniversary classic SS vrs TM a try out in phase 2, like man , if anything SoD should have had way more bgs in the line up, some characters are way over tuned with nice runes while other classes got cucca runes, blah blah blah, got tired of it.

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There is too much wasted time and bloat to continue playing SOD

No GDKP was a turn off for me

Everyone asking to see my parses and logs to join a guild, and then the next week am I still interested because they are short people.

It’s a revolving door of ideas and people and less of a community


Still playing and enjoying it. P3 was the only fumble, the rest has been great!


Incursion killed it for the majority of people and Molten core with 1 new boss with forced resistance requirements was too much


I played until MC.

I think Phase 1-2 were the best when it was 10 man raids and the game was just casual / easier and just fun while you make new friends. Then it started to look like Modern WOW and at that point I didn’t look back.


Stopped near the end of P1. It became very clear very quickly that if you weren’t playing nonstop that you would have a hard time getting into raids. I don’t want to deal with parses, I don’t want to deal with raid logging and nonsense like that, I just want to play casually. But between the Classic experience being very slow and the aggressively competitive P1 culture surrounding dungeons and raids, I just dipped out and haven’t touched it since.

It weird, because when I did Wrath Classic it was much, much more inclusive. Maybe because of the audience that got involved? I don’t know. But even in Classic refresh I’m finding a lot of strict “fit this box or else” vibes.

But yeah, I dropped SoD because it was something that looked like it was going to take a much more serious time commitment than I ever have or ever will be willing to put into a game just to do the content.

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The aggressive lack of class balance.
The complete lack of care given to the mode - they abandoned it early P3.
The disastrous decision to bump all the raid sizes up. Getting rid of 10man as the main raid size killed off SoD, as was predicted.

Pretty much the only good decision they made for SoD was banning GDKP’s. Everything else was a textbook study in how to take a great idea and destroy it.


im done with this game, quitting, uninstalling and cancelling my sub because hunters are disustingly blatantly overpowered in pvp and the clueless devs dont give a rats ash.


Giving in to the demands of babies and just bad players in general that don’t stick around regardless. Cultivating a community of just insufferable players that we now call “sod players”. Quite literally removing things that make classic fun for no reason at all.

One of the worst games I ever played


4300 Kill Shot crit. It was probably with berserking but the fact that it can crit over 3000 and instant cast and can be used multiple times has nothing to do in this game. Pretty much the reason why there is no point in playing anymore. Several classes has been too OP over longer periods of time and it is getting too tiresome after 1 year of it.


i thought SoD was really fun up to about phase 3 , then it seems like the devs just gave up on SoD or were taken away for other projects from phase 4 and on.