Still playing it. Its essentially a relaxed version of classic that doesnt have gdkp, 40 man requirements, and min/maxers.
Rune system while fun at first is just tacked on retail abilities that dont integrate with talent trees or learned abilities. It doesnt respect the class much like incursions dont respect the world. If this is their vision of classic plus nty. Turtle wow did it better
Raid size changing from 10 to 20. Worst change they could have implemented IMO.
I just played through all of the current content. Done all the raids thus far. Topped the dps meters and so kind of bored now. Not really interested in rolling another alt from the current choices that are alotted. Would love to see Death Knights introduced into SoD and eventually TBC. Just think it’d be really cool to play a Death Knight through Vanilla and TBC too. Don’t like anything past WotLK. I don’t care for anything post-WotLK, so I won’t play Cata just to play what I like when overall I don’t enjoy the other majority of the content and changes to the game. So here’s to hoping they bring DK into SoD so we can experience them in earlier versions of the game.
The PvP sucks
P1 was absolutely amazing. (Chaos Bolt enjoyer) I left shortly into P2 after hitting 40. Just the overall amount of changes from Classic. I.E. mainly class power scaling, number of runes, different difficulty modes for dungeons. Felt very much like a worse retail, than a better classic. I am all for small QoL changes and added content but they threw everything and the kitchen sink at SoD.
Also, the blood moon event in Stranglethorn was cancer. It would have been better to add an event to Arathi or another less populated zone. (Not my idea, but a fellow hunters suggestion)
was really fun being in the first 2 phases trying to farm and do things on the higher maps you normally would not dare go to until you leveled to those maps, then when I hit max that fun was gone , became boring for me, i remember being in Ferelas level 25 hitting the fishing pools on a level 40 map for example, was challenging and exciting imo.
It’s very sad to read the messages here. I understand that the project could be cool, it showed promise, but the balance around PvE and the disregard for PvP killed all my desire to play. I even did a PvP tournament not so long ago and I had to change the rules and prohibit runes that were too strong. I wanted to do more tournaments, but now it doesn’t make sense, I think. The game is only about PvE damage and nothing else.
Because blizzard basically lied to everyone, they put in the bare minimum effort to sustain the game
I’m at raid log point right now on it. I basically stopped playing my alts during phases 2/3 because of how badly blizzard handled runes and the raids which just made it not worth doing anymore.
Maybe I’ll try them again now that runes are on a vendor.
Join a guild. Stop being antisocial and trying to play this game on single player. You’ll raid more.
I agree. The phases lasted FAR too long.
Go play era.
I’d say give me your stuff but you’re only level 22, you barely played to begin with. (if you dont want people to say this, post on a character you actually play coward.)
Incursions killed SoD for me. Tried it one time and was just disgusted by the entire process, horrible decision, unfun, just trash that is nothing like what world of warcraft represents in a classic sense.
Never came back, i think my priest is 41 or 42 lol.
I joined over 10 guilds from phase 1-3
They all fell apart
The whole “trying to save guilds” strawman was incorrect.
The guilds sucked, there wasn’t community, there was a discord and a signup.
Let me join the 11th crappy guild….
Yeah. That happens. I’ll amend my statement: Join a good guild and not just any guild you see in trade remotely active.
Who said that? Functionally, if they wanted to “save guilds” than 10 man would have remained an option since we know from classic the levl 60 raids didnt need 40 people anyway.
I agree, clearly, or they would have stayed together.
Sounds like you’re just joining any guild that will take you. Don’t do that.
Hell I’m playing in a guild right now on hardcore that started on hardcore, went to SoD, and then came back when blizzard didnt fulfill their promise to actually add the unfinished/unreleased content they said they would. A year of just “Classic but with retail abilities” wasn’t good enough, so we came back to hardcore.
I’m glad you had a good experience.
I felt a little burnt out from sod because of the bad.
I still play SOD and I mainly pvp. But i do miss 10 man raids, and the runes and balance for PVP have been fumbled pretty bad in alot of cases making certain specs/ideas unplayable. No new/re-vamped zone and No new raids kills me though. I also definitley wanted some more PVP potenial out of SOD, mabey a new BG or duel style arena.
Good news There are a ton of new options now to deal with classes and give yourself a winning matchup, or a better chance at it. Example “Razor bramble set” to deal with rouges, or “Fetish of the Sand Reaver” to deal with BIG cooldowns
Increasing raid size from 10 to 20 absolutely killed it for my small ‘friends and family’ guild. Most of us were experienced with running guilds and organizing successful raids, and we could have handled it IF Blizz had let us know from the beginning that raid sizes were going to be increased. But the way it was done meant we’d have to try to recruit in an environment with established guilds and low recruitment potential, or merge with other guilds, or run with PUGs and hope someone turned out to be a compatible recruitment possibility. None of that had any appeal at all, so we noped out. Incursions also contributed, but it was the increase in raid size that really ended it for us. It’s a shame too because we were really enjoying SOD.
Of course you’d be happy about that, I remember you shilling hard for the lvl 58 boost in TBC Classic. You’d probably buy a lvl 60 boost on SoD if you could too.
pvp was meh and incursion were awful.
LoL good job completely failing to understand what I posted.