Why did they add pathfinder in 10.2

Why are there people thinking regular flying is better than dragon riding?


They can hover above content while other people do it and then join at the end by tagging the boss.

It’s easier than finding a ledge nearby to perch on.


So they can hover just out of reach of mobs and afk, so they can hover above players in pvp and swoop in for the kill, so druids can instant flight form, so mass teams of druid alts can herb and its alot easier to control multiple toons via reg flight than it is dragonriding.


There are a large number of people who have 100s of old school flying mounts that they earned and enjoy. I say this without even touching on the different flying playstyle preferences.


The tweet you posted is about regular flying in ZC and ED. Why are you asking this question?

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Not being able to fly my Emerald Drake on the dragon isles just feels wrong…


They are redacted

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I don’t see anyone saying one is better or worse. It’s just another option. Some folks just don’t like dragonriding. Also, some folks want to use the hundreds of mounts they have collected over the years. It’s also the last major patch so who cares really?


All it does is make others annoyed when we have to wait for them for keys/raids

Because…they do?

Opinions - on just about everything in life - vary.


Its resources that blizzard wasted honestly

Instead of having 2-3 people design and plan what and how to get pathfinder in an expansion that use much better flying, it should have been spent on elsewhere

Like actually bringing back brawlers guild

This makes no sense. Regular flying has been around for 17 years and DF zones are built for flying. Obviously…

The only resources being wasted is creating nonsense achievement to let people fly slower.


Well, that is your opinion (wrong as it is).

But sure, Brawlers Guild, bring back something that was removed because it probably had so little use they couldn’t be bothered upgrading it. Unlike standard flight which has been used (without previous player issue) since TBC. If you like gimmick flying, that’s nice. Just allow that there are many who equally enjoy standard flight.


So in other words: not worth my time to care about Pathfinder.


How? Deadlines are a thing in projects

A team gets together and lists what they want in said patch, they brainstorm it, then while developing they have to cut out some things that won’t make it in final.

The pathfinder planning should have been discarded and instead spent time bringing back brawlers guild

Dragon riding is superior flying everyone knows this, if people are that lazy and go afk there’s cliffs they can sit on to go AFK

If blizzard gives wow players normal flying for free then wow players will throw it to the ground because obviously they’re not a charity chase.

I don’t get the point of pathfinder anymore either, but brawlers guild was hot garbage.


Exactly so why waste resources to let people go slower?

That’s like giving everyone 310 flying but making them do Pathfinder to go 150. It’s really stupid.

And why do you care if someone wants to go slower? Why aren’t you complaining about people using ground mounts?


As someone who can only use dragonriding briefly due to motion sickness, I will be furious if it goes live like this. It requires Zaralek and Emerald Dream reps, so it is total BS if it does not work there.


Because in my opinion, it is. For all the extra speed that dragonriding offers, I far and away prefer the simplicity, control, and ability to hover in place of normal flying over the speed of dragonriding.