An achievement for a single clear. That means reclears except for gear are pointless. And gear from emissaries and benthic gear are overtaking raid gear.
Titles, only on mythic, and only for the first clear. So once again reclearing is pointless, and so is normal and heroic in this respect.
Cosmetic gear variants…have you seen how awful the raid sets look this expac?
Well, that is entirely subjective and casual glances around the game proves lots of players have really weird tastes.
To get gear so you can clear faster so you can sell runs via Trade and the interwebz for gold (or money under the table if you are brave enough). If 20% raid at Heroic or better and 10% at the level that they can sell runs that means they have a market of 90% of subscribers.
I think simply that rewards should match the content. So it’s OK that mythic raiders get the best PvE gear, but high rated arena players should get the best PvP gear which is only slightly better than the high rated BG players. World quests should reward OK gear but maybe the best mounts, pet battles the best pets.
Other forms of content should reward good gear, something where they could train upwards in a path. Lower level competitive content should be normalized so that skill wins.
Well, the problem here is every time Blizzard has designed gear for open world content, they’ve gated it behind multiple reputation levels and set bonuses but with starter gear item levels thus creating the situation that by the time one could complete a set, one already had greatly exceeded the item level, and thus power level, of the “world set”.
Yesterday I saw a poster complain about “lazy” people, ie, people who had completed Pathfinder 1 and thought that flight should have been released immediately, not almost a year later.
I looked him up. He’s done some low keys and a couple of wings of LFR.
Why do players have a high item level? Why do yo level up? Both of these things are a FANTASY of progression. This is something many hardcore RPG and D&D players have learned over the years, character strength progress IS A LIE. As you level up (even in classic wow) you fight higher level mobs, so any power you gain is off set as the things you fight get stronger. Same goes for group content like raids and dungeons, either you go from one raid to the next or one difficulty to another the creatures you fight do more damage and have more HP because the players have more HP and do more damage. Gear itself is used as both an equalizer and a advantage over this content. As time passes players get more and more gear, the boss doesn’t so sooner or later you will be able to beat (generally) without needing the crazy amount of skill that would have been needed like world first raiders.
If you’re going to take gear out of raids, mythic+, and high end pvp then you might as well remove ALL stat gear from the game period. Just make everything transmog and every player is 100% the same.
Yeah because “pvp” to them is random bgs, and world pvp where if they kill an enemy faction member with 5 friends around, they’ve easily coordinated pvp and it was easy.
Most of these people haven’t seen the inside of a discord with high rated pvpers. With gladiators and egos the size of saturn. With cancerous talking and constant oneupsmanship. What it takes to pull off coordination in a 2K+ intense rbg.
So pvp is easy. They’re pet-battle pvping in essence.
Because mobs scale to character and item level and in order to feel power progression in the world, you have to increase your gear past the level where scaling is linear.
Because people feel the placebo effect of progression associated with levels from the last ~10 years where levels actually had meaning and before the last 2 expansions where character levels awarded you with nothing except the number by your portrait. No new abilities, no new talents, no stats that couldn’t be simply gotten from quest gear, no power progression against the mobs while leveling (in fact, you got weaker with character levels instead of stronger in BFA).
The mobs in the world also have item level scaling as well as base level scaling.
Leveling in wow hasn’t meant anything since BC. Once they released the leveling gear and recruit a friend systems in wrath leveling has been and will forever be a joke. Leveling and gearing are both forms of false progression. People will say things like “but I got new abilities” but that’s only because it was tied to the leveling system. Some abilities in classic weren’t tied to your level but to completing the quest to get it. Right now the games progression itself is a lie and players are starting to understand this. Whats the point in getting a BiS item when it’s useless in 2 months and your transmog item you will have forever? Blizzard need to find a new type of progression for players.
I see a wide gap between “you don’t deserve anything” and “here’s some mythic loot so you can /afk in your capital city”. There is a middle ground here and I think that is something we can all strive for. As a raider I think everyone should have access to the best gear - they just have to put in the time. I hate doing a random WQ that then pops a 415+ item that titanforged when I am spending free hours farming and questing and running M+ for the same level (a little hyperbole, but you get it).
I do raid for the challenge and the enjoyment of raiding with a guild I like. If raids stopped dropping loot I would hope they would supplant that with something else that would increase our player character’s power because defeating difficult enemies for a simple pat on the back is not something I can totally get behind (unless that was the only premise). If a WQ / Rper wants 430+ gear go out there and try to get it. Don’t complain that others are getting there faster.
Eeep. Roleplayers are the cringiest players of any game. It’s what Catfish do in between bans from dating sites.
I never understood why grown adults wanted to sit around and play “house” with other adults, until I joined an RP guild in EQ2 and got to know the people, saw what they looked like, etc.
By far, the cringiest people on the planet.
But hey, maybe not all are like that, but I can say that roleplayers are the most seldom minority in gaming that exists to date. By no means would any company solely cater to roleplayers over people who actually play the game for it’s mechanics. That’s asenine.
So your argument is because a minority of raiders can sell runs, that makes it fine that the majority of raiders aren’t getting anything that feels rewarding?
This might be true for the 1st-3 bosses. Otherwise you’re full of it. Random BG’s don’t, no. What about rated? Rated awards some pretty good gear. That would require to have skill though in pvp.
Except human skill vs a bot is different. You can write a bot to do anything. Even RP. Just load it with some dialogue and you can literally RP with the bot with noone else around. All you’d need to do is be respondent to its tells and it can read your responses and provide generic replies.
You rpers are not important as you think.
o we have proved raiders do not deserve better gear or rewards, how do we fix this? I propose next xpac there are no raids, don’t waste the time or effort, focus on the transmog, the world, RP spots, pvp, and other such things, and I think the money will be better spent.
Why cant people just enjoy their choice of play, and not worry about what anyone else does, or the rewards they receive.
This is not the place to stroke your ego, its a video game, pixels on a screen. Its going to be a drama queens ball when the servers finally do get shut down.
Lol, okay buddy. How about you jump into some mythic raiding before you say its easy mode. You have close to no raiding experience, so get with the program.