Why did raiders think they deserve anything?

It makes no sense

Here are the claims I see:

We do the hardest content so we deserve the best gear…

This is false, as someone who has raised, I can telly out for a fact a random bg is harder to win then playing Simon says for 30 minutes hitting the loot pinata. And random bgs don’t award the best gear.

We are blizzards Livestream of money, raiders stay subscribed longer…

This is false, us Roleplayers subscribe longer and harder and get worse gear, and constantly get our content nerfed or taken away ((I once had a warlock character all about demonology and metamorphosis and they took that away from my character so I had to delete hundreds of hours of work and story ))

Mythic raiding requires skill, and skills should be rewarded

You could literally write a bot that could beat a raid, you could not create a role-play bot or pvp not that could compete therefore raiders have no skill.

So we have proved raiders do not deserve better gear or rewards, how do we fix this? I propose next xpac there are no raids, don’t waste the time or effort, focus on the transmog, the world, RP spots, pvp, and other such things, and I think the money will be better spent.


You did two bosses on normal Uldir.


Your opinion is duly ignored.


So random bgs… something that casual in the pvp scene, should award mythic ilvl gear???


I’ll agree with the PVP points, but my problem is the fact that raiding can be more pointless than WQ, assuming that the RNG gods have not blessed you on that day.

WQ should’nt be better than raiding at all, to me that’s ridiculous.


Man, I read stuff like this, and it makes me wish Blizzard banned more people for stupid posts on the forum.

You know they’re trolling, but still.


meh, idk I thought the PVP vendors were aight. You had to no life it back in the day anyway to get that PVP gear.

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This isn’t true at all.

And it’s not about other people having good gear and us being jealous or something, it’s the fact that handing out really good gear for doing practically nothing kills the raiding community. There’s no incentive to raid when you can get high TF stuff from WQ’s. It’s harder to recruit, harder to find quality people, etc.

Literally no raider cares about you getting some decent gear, we just don’t understand why you think you deserve mythic gear for doing nothing. Is heroic ilvl gear, or even 5 ilvls lower than heroic, not enough for you people? Nobody ever answers this question when I ask it.

Handing out high ilvl gear like this also leads to tools like ~raider.io, which you guys seem to complain about but it’s necessary since you can’t really base skill off item level anymore.


The vendors were perfect imo. I used to login and conquest cap for a piece of gear, now it’s rng which has pushed me away from the pvp scene. I agree pvp gear is annoying to get but awarding top end gear on random bgs? Nah RBGS yes but randoms nope


omg it was dope…

Honestly I had no idea that’s how PVP actually works now… I just heard the venders were gone and I nope’d the duck out of there.

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This is a ridiculous misrepresentation of difficulty. A random BG does not require excellent individual play. The difficulty is ENTIRELY in the RNG nature of how you acquire teammates. By this very same token, LFR is more difficult than Mythic, which is obviously objectively false.

I notice you have far more battlegrounds played than mythic bosses killed. In fact, you have 0 mythic bosses killed. If random BGs are so much more difficult, why haven’t you done almost ANY raid bosses?

You know there is nothing in roleplaying that says you need to stick strictly to in game mechanics? If this is true, it’s strictly your own doing.

As for RP bot. As an RPr myself this is so blindingly silly I’m not even going to address it.

As for a PvP bot…yes…yes you can. Almost every game ever made as bots that play against players. We’re now seeing the beginnings of this in WoW. This tech will only improve too.

ALL that said. I responded to this troll post so 10/10 I guess.


Stop lying. Pvp is super easy. Pve raid require a lot more coordination. Rated bg is also easier then the constant head hammering that is a raid. The hardest part of a rated bg is getting into a group.

As for regular bg. I show upm i fight one or two peoplem i guard a point or two victory.

I’m not replying to agree or disagree… just wanted to point out that Blizz did write self learning PvP bots that were winning BGs after a week of learning how to PvP from players.


I think this is the main point you’re trying to make. You play on a RP server so you deserve gear because…?

RP has never been a main focus of the game, it’s a community-based thing that people engage in. Raiding is one of the main forms of endgame since Vanilla existed.

Sorry, but RPing doesn’t entitle you to anything.


When and were was this from?

I just want a nice happy community where everyone’s having fun doing what they find fun.

(except for Naga, horrible creatures!)


Thats not the hardest content. Its scripted and once they out gear or learn the dance then its sell carries. Rated pvp is the toughest because its never the same and each player is different.


There has always been a group that feels they are the best and most elite in wow. Their main d satisfaction in game is to feel superior to others and can only be happy if they are a have and you are a not.

I love that their are multiple end game opportunities now and dabble in many of them.

I also agree raiding is not the be all/ end all. Mythic raiding is no longer clearly the most difficult content.

You will never change their minds. It is pointless to try.

I come to posts like these to enjoy their salty tears. I love that the snowflakes can no longer afk in sw so the filthy casuals can admire all their purples. They just aren’t that special.


I don’t have a problem with raiders earning gear.

What I have a problem with is raiders who believe that people who don’t raid don’t deserve anything because “they didn’t earn it.”

This bothers me because of the rank hypocrisy of most raiders when it comes to THEIR loot. Most raiders say they raid because of the challenge of it, but when I suggest that raids no longer drop loot, since you’re doing it for the challenge and all, the defense of their loot becomes a wall that reaches halfway to the moon. Their primary argument is that if raids didn’t drop loot, then people wouldn’t raid.

So…I guess people DON’T raid just for the fun of it?

Raiders can’t claim that they raid for the fun of it and also claim in the same breath that people won’t raid if loot doesn’t drop.


This is the exact way of thinking that brought WoW to it’s current state.

No one wants to aspire to something anymore.


When can DKs be as cool as graphic novel Thassarian? I agree lets buff RP, let DKs dual wield two handers and summon ghoul for all specs

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