It makes no sense
Here are the claims I see:
We do the hardest content so we deserve the best gear…
This is false, as someone who has raised, I can telly out for a fact a random bg is harder to win then playing Simon says for 30 minutes hitting the loot pinata. And random bgs don’t award the best gear.
We are blizzards Livestream of money, raiders stay subscribed longer…
This is false, us Roleplayers subscribe longer and harder and get worse gear, and constantly get our content nerfed or taken away ((I once had a warlock character all about demonology and metamorphosis and they took that away from my character so I had to delete hundreds of hours of work and story ))
Mythic raiding requires skill, and skills should be rewarded
You could literally write a bot that could beat a raid, you could not create a role-play bot or pvp not that could compete therefore raiders have no skill.
So we have proved raiders do not deserve better gear or rewards, how do we fix this? I propose next xpac there are no raids, don’t waste the time or effort, focus on the transmog, the world, RP spots, pvp, and other such things, and I think the money will be better spent.