Why did people look happier in the 50s and 90s?

Rocky Marciano was the same weight at 5’10. If the argument is malnutrition, it’s incorrect. Probably more to do with food stock fully stacked with growth hormones.

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i’d be depressed if i was a zoomer too. that astroid better hit before they come into power… but first they need to move out of their parents’ basements.


I like that song from shrek

“i thought love was only true in fairy tales”

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No matter how much people want to romanticize the past, it has never been good. humans are garbage and always have been and more than likely always will be. Individuals are okay but yea humans as a whole are garbage


True, the 50s was a horrible time to grow up in, unless you were white. Even more so if you was in the southern states.

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2007 - 2010 emo was a pretty big pervasive thing in culture esp. in high school so yeah it was cool too look depressed back then

Homogeny, nationalism, and a common religion.

We embraced diversity to the point of self destruction, unfortunately.


Better economy.
Not everything was copywrited.
Post War. Including the Cold War.
Better music.
Entertainment was better.
We weren’t old and jaded by time.
Seriously, the news is seldom good on the tv.


My dad grew up in the 50’s and it was not happy for him. Lived in one bedroom house with parents, five sisters, and a brother. He had to sleep under the kitchen table or outside. Even had to go and pick cotton and other farm duties just to get by. Society may of looked happy but it was on the backs of still slave labor back then. They got paid but it was barely enough for the family to get by. Grandpa was a WW2 vet also.


“…where you can discuss all aspects of World of Warcraft …”

Relevant to GD…how?

Also constant bad news and “the world is going to end every other day”

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Imagination is one heck of a drug.

What gets me is the comments from 2 sitting justices on SCOTUS(from the leaked draft)…America needs a pipeline of babies for all the parents who want to adopt.

umm what about the ones in foster care now?


For. Real.

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Yes it is, that’s why those that are in power are trying to stifle it. Can’t have creative thought, it’s will ruin the status quo.

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No free thinkers. How can you eat your pudding when you haven’t eaten your meat?


I was born in 71. Not a product of the modern era

Do people actually depressed now? Spend some time to go to the gym, learn new knowledge, go outside.

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Hate to tell you that doesn’t work with real depression. The kind you have for no reason but a chem imbalance in your brain


Yea i bet their doctor told them to visit them more often to cure it.