Why did people look happier in the 50s and 90s?

Your thread, the only thing I can think of was really bad and did not belong here
I did not report it however, nor did I report this thread.

This topic does not belong here.

Off topic stuff can be fun
But this is super heated

Iā€™d rather have my own children. Unfortunately it can never happen so Iā€™ve got nothing to hope for.


talking about history is apparently super heating to some people

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It is when you try to talk about what changed
Because a lot did and a lot was not good
And different sides see it in different ways

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what are you even mad about? i just see that people looked happier back then


Probably because you didnā€™t have pictures taken all the time and in formal settings you would always be told to smile I imagine.


Me personally?
I guess the fact I see half of us dying in the next few years if Russia doesnā€™t change.
That sucks

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People werenā€™t offended by everything in the 90s.


thats a product of the modern era, i dont see anyone here being from the 80s,70s ect, prolly 90s

Well of course its modern era
They threatened to nuke a month ago

No social media.


I grew up in the 70s, I remember in grade school watching the body bags coming off the planes out of Southeast Asia, and having my mother explain to me what those were.


I mean isnā€™t that what the people before us had to deal with essentially?


Canā€™t blame em. I mean look at the idiot in charge of the united states right now. Iā€™d nuke us too.


Well there was the cold War which sucked
But it came off the back off a real war

Well yeah, but i was talking way before that. Like right before World War 2 started or beginning to start or during.

i was reading a website, and it said i would be 5 inchers shorter if i was bornbetween 1950s-80s and im 6ā€™4 185 pounds

The propaganda tv broadcast makes me think itā€™s all a bluff. The claims they made in that little ad would suggest their firepower is 50 years ahead of everyone which is laughable

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I donā€™t consider this a WoW topic either, i think itā€™s something should be on Off-topic really.

ā€¦Well OPā€™s intention as well his execution here isnā€™t to rile people up each other for startsā€¦

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Oh it is a bluff, if you have been following the analysts, the Russian Military is in really poor shape, The oligarchs have been robbing the country blind for years. I saw an interview with a person with the IAEA, to keep the weapons current, you had to replace the cores every 6 months. If you donā€™t, they become duds.

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