Why did pally reck get nerfed?

i already explained why, just more niche, if ur oom u might want to trade urself out. Or just bop is down and u wanna force a swap.

So useful

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I said DI doesn’t make sense. BOP is very useful. English not your first language?

If your oom you just pop a rank 1 SOC and auto attack like any other time you have mana or don’t have mana. Paladin isn’t hard to play. You also forgot to say anything about freedom. That make you bad? Also the BOP a carrier to get MS off is good. But a good warrior will save intercept and have a macro to switch right back to BS and throw another MS up as soon as he can so again situational just like having reckoning as flag carrier.

Also just realized i didn’t switch to my Classic character.

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Also Bigwillie classic is about the class not the spec so every part of the class and every spec is worthwhile. Ive played Deep Ret, Control spec Ret, Holy, Holy Ret, Holy Prot, Holy Reckoning, and Ret Reckoning. If you were a true Paladin you would recognize that every spec is part of the paladin in classic.


Tell me something I don’t know

If your bop is down and you are oom it happens all the time it’s a rational play

Again you have no idea what you’re talking about…clearly’

I DI people i see are about to get nuked if i have no mana occasionally without the flag too. If u have no mana/cds up often a rational play

The problem wasnt with Reckoning… The problem was with spell batching…


Im 90% positive it was because someone rek bombed kazzak and posted it on youtube or w/e we had at the time

wrong , at the moment there are plenty of things that are bugged with it that were NOT bugs back then, making ti completely useless.

It’s a change, can we have poly last 8 secs now and cheap shot and kidney on the same dr?

Make sap and hunter traps only last 8secs now also.

Clearly blizzard is balancing the game
And starting with reckoning.


In case it was missed, this was clearly stated to be known and the fix due to come through after the next restarts - as in today.

No they didn’t. The only thing you had a right to expect was what Blizzard said they’d provide. 1.12 Vanilla wow. POST reck nerf.

I am fine with Rek losing it’s charges if you mount. What I am not fine with is it randomly dropping like it currently is. Or I get crit over and over and I don’t swing OR gain a rek stack. Their hot fix didn’t fix rek. Mine is dropping when I get stunned, or rogue opens, (havn’t attacked anything yet) and when I get to attack. 1 swing.

IF they want to nerf it the way they are purposing, fine. But FIX it first.

Either revert it until you fix it. Or FIX IT.


They didnt fix it. It still auto drops reck stacks.


It was a bug fix, and the current (1.13.3) version is accurate to 1.12.

Videos demonstrating different behavior were from previous patches, which had been changed by 1.12. This is what it should be.

I specifically remember /startattack /stopattack not even being discovered until BC so this is bogus

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Either revert it until you fix it. Or FIX IT.

IMO they should just make it do what the tooltip says. I’d give up reck bombs to have guaranteed backsmack on EVERY. SINGLE. CRIT. that I take. Thought we melted rogues before… just wait lmao


I suppose I’m just confused as to why Blizzard did this, and all they said was “bug fixes”. It took the community to find our reckoning had been changed (lol), then blizzard back pedals “OH LOL WE ONLY MEANT TO HALF BREAK IT”.

Meh. It’s just so defeating. I was having a ton of fun playing as reckoning in AV, now this build is beyond worthless.

inb4 all the non-paladins crawl out of the woodwork and telling me I’m “doing it wrong”

edit: also I’d love for blizzard devs to actually clarify how reckoning works, and all the criteria behind it building/losing stacks. All I ever find are community posts on 10 year old forums where people have given far too much time figuring out how it works. Alas, I doubt they blizzard even knows how it works.


The whole concept seemed too gimmicky to be worth while to me. They weren’t really ret, either… reckoning is a deep prot talent. Going deep ret for PvP is actually quite fun.

It seems like it’s using a similar mechanic that rogues and feral druids have with their combo points. Switch targets, lose all your points. It’s really annoying when you want to toss a heal while in a group, or when you’re trying to tag mobs.

Why are they even messing with reckoning is beyond me. It’s still broken, despite saying it’s fixed. Even if they “fix” it, blizzard would have broken the already broken talent to begin with. We are arguing about a talent right now that is so beyond perverted from it’s original design now.