Why did neutral factions not react to the burning of Teldrassil?

Evidently they cared enough to kick out the Horde members and openly oppose them.
They do not need to send you a letter of intent or write a poem for you about how much they care about Teldrassil.

The Horde went on a war of genocide (again) and neutral organizations associated with the Alliance joined them.
What part of this do you have difficulty understanding?

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I’m certain a lot of neutral factions aren’t happy with Sylvanas at this time. However, considering there’s a colossal titan sword lodged into the planet causing it to steadily bleed out, some people have priorities set on more important things.

And sorry that they’re not telling horde player characters to *#$% off just incase you think they should. There’s too much at stake to turn away help.

I suppose its due I can think of many more other pressing reasons beyond Teldrassil to justify them fighting the Horde. I referenced human organization being anti-undead in general and justifiably so due to Blight and whatnot and a desire to reclaim the “holy land”. The poster just now above me referenced Azerite which I’d say is more priority over some tree planted 20 years ago.

Its not about the tree probably. Its about the deliberate mass slaughter.

Its probably because the Horde represents an existential threat to all things none Horde race.

They are a savage warmongering faction that wipes out entire civilizations that may oppose them in the future.
Any organization that may feel a similar threat will oppose the Horde.

If they have Horde members they will probably clean house. As they should.

Its not complicated.

Well okay, glad you agree with me then. I think this is the second time we agreed. So I ask, what’s your argument with me?

From what I understand they were spread out through Northern Kalimdor. Warcraft 3 showed that they lived in Ashenvale, Moonglade, and The Frozen Throne revealed night elf settlements in Azshara that were destroyed by Illidan’s naga.

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I have no clue what I am agreeing with. You keep putting words in my mouth.

Well usually when I quote somebody and say “I agree” it means that I’m agreeing with what I quoted. I thought that apparently obvious. Why would I quote you then?

Anywho, I’m agreeing with your point in that “Yeah it may be due to X factor beyond Teldrassil”, which again, I agree with. So why are you arguing with me again?

Your objection that neutral organizations involved with the alliance/horde would find the Horde abhorrent and stand against them?

??? That’s not my objection. I think you are forgetting my original argument, again. I shall re-iterate. Why should netural non-night elf organization care about Teldrassil burning?

I’m focusing on Teldrassil burning as a “destruction of nature”, I am not referring to people objecting against the Horde in general.

Its not about just destroying nature. Its about wiping out a civilization and spreading blight/plague on the land.
The Horde is no different than the scourge now.

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Okay, sure. And my argument, again, is focusing on said nature. Like the very first post in this thread that I made. So again, I ask you, what’s your argument with me?

And my argument is you are ignoring an entire bigger issue and then act dumbstruck why any non night elf would possibly oppose the Horde if they don’t care about nature.

So no. I don’t agree with your argument or your logic. Its dishonest.

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Yes yes, I’m ignoring it because my intention is not recognizing it because, again, I agree with it. I’ve stated multiple times already that X people/faction/whatever have plenty of reasons to go against the Horde and their all rationally sound to whatever degree. Why would I argue something I already agree with? I don’t, that’s silly. So instead I’m focusing on the “destruction of nature” part because the thread OP and title specifically references that.

If you’re not interested in engaging such argument from me. Again, why are you posting to me? You are talking past me, you are not talking to me. If you’re going to talk past me then stop replying?


You see, all the cultures and peoples we’ve wiped out for money? They were irrelevant because they weren’t playable. All our war crimes in gameplay? Trivial compared to hurting purple skinned elves.

After all, the purple elf players you see acting like genocide is a big thing on the forums here? They’ve leveled purely through professions by mining or herbalism, never committing any atrocities.

That’s why we should care.


Honestly, they never have been any better than the scourge. Especially not Sylvanas and the forsaken.


I have no idea how to process this. You lost me on professions and leveling being somehow related to in-game narrative.

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It’s sarcasm.

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I can’t help but notice most people here equating the burning of Teldrassil with the defeat of the night elves. Although the existence of the sacred druid tree / site that is Teldrassil and the night elves are deeply intertwined, the two of them are not one and the same. The tree can survive without the elves and vice versa. Killing all the elves there and leaving the tree alone should be sufficient.

The horde’s decision to burn down the tree in order to “defeat” the elves makes no strategic and tactical sense. It’s a political decision that only serves to stroke the banshee queen’s ego, sow terror to the alliance, and inspire loyalty to the dumber members of the horde. The burning should be an affront to druidism as whole.

I mean, as a Paladin, I’ll be really pissed and bummed if a faction would somehow try to wrest light’s hope chapel from us. I’d die defending the chapel or at the very least file a complain to the faction leaders responsible. I might even try to lobby my racial / class leader to do something about it. Naturally, the neutral factions related to the tree should take corrective actions.

However, doing this will further muck up the already messy lore and will also put a huge burden on the writers and developers that has set their interests elsewhere within the WoW universe. So, with a deep loathe, I must say that the burning of Teldrassil, no matter how atrocious, serious, and stupid as it is, is just another plot device made to justify another faction war. So… yeah… sorry druid and night elf bros. Maybe, HOPEFULLY, you’ll get your tree back. Until then, the gates of Stormwind will always be open to you.

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You say this:

Then you say this:

Which was the point.