Why Did it Just Cost 2.2k to Repair My Gear?

This is more profound than you may yet realize.

Y’all out here diversifying your gameplay loops, and protectin’ your gd necks.

Scholars, the lot of ya’s.


as long as you dont die it would be closer to what you lose in a bg as dps and healer which is nearly nothing in fact it would be less since in bgs you usually have melee sitting on you its the deaths that end up costing you

I USED to use alts and do the big money quests chain gun style. Now with Warbands it’s a one and done deal.

They have nerfed the ability to make gold to the point that it feels like vanilla. My newest toon is almost 50 and has less than 1500 gold and all I have done is quest. I guess it’s the surest way to get someone to buy a token…but feels more like they can’t beat the gold sellers so everything gets nerfed. Heh


I mean… I just leveled an alt to 80 yesterday, just by spamming dungeons and vendoring everything I pick up that wasn’t a direct gear upgrade and he’s at 7.5k and that was after spending gold on transmogs after level 40 since that is where my heirlooms stopped.

Quests and world quests aren’t the primary big-money thing in the open world content, it’s usually the stuff you can vendor or throw onto the AH.

I’m not saying it is, I’m saying it’s not, but used to be a lot more.

Delves are a trap!

(I have to admit I’ve noticed the impact of having better gear on the cost of routine maintanence)

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Honestly, I dont understand how people’s brain works like this.

wow tokens don’t generate gold, they just move it around.


This is a game not a job. I should be able to play without doing all the extra stuff (as i already have a damn job)


which is precisely my point. People use a token to buy gold from another player and then they use that gold to buy gear from a different player or potions and other things from the auction house. The gold‘s not actually being sunk out of the game. It’s just being recycled. yet the only valuable gold sink they seem to have is either the repair bill or what it cost you to mog your gear. it’s not that tough to follow

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Repair costs are a gold sink. As was the Brutosaur.

The cost of high-end raiding and M+ is consumables, enchants, and repairs. It’s part of the game and isn’t really extra when it’s expected. The more you die, the faster the repair bill goes up so if you don’t die, you can go a long, long time without having a full red repair bill.

I’d hardly consider doing weekly quests for professions, doing one WQ every few days, or playing the game ‘extra work.’

then why on earth would you think a cap on the gold price would have an effect on gold inflation?

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This is friggin great, I love it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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And prior to this xpac i wouldve been able to keep up with those costs while doing minimal activities outside of raid and M+.

You also clearly have more time to play the game than me. Youre being unnecessarily difficult.

So if your intent is you want more reasons to raidlog or only do M+, you might want to look for a guild that has free and unlimited repairs. Considering pushing either of those things are the most time-demanding parts of the game, you can give up one key’s worth of time to obtain the gold you’d need for repairs/consumables for the week.

In the time you spent on this thread (actively posting), you could have made 10~20k gold.

Yep noticing this myself. My primary way to make gold is gathering but that has gone way down. I run M+ on 4 tanks. I spend more time farming gold for repairs than I do doing M+ and raiding for the week just to pay for repairs. That’s not counting anything else I might want to do in game like crafting items for those characters.
It’s crappy. Forget xmog. It’s ~1k each time.

Getting less than 100 gold at the end of an M+ is sad. It hasn’t kept up with inflation at all. Making gold has gone down the drain.

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I just run a heroic dungeon a few times per week for the satchel and sell the runes to people buying tokens. Covers my repair bills for the most part.

Anything over and above that is gold gained.

Not uncommon to see 3-4 runes in a bag, combined with the 900ish gold they each contain that’s 4-5k for a 15 minute faceroll.

I’m definitely not rich but covering your own consumable and repair bills is not exactly difficult.


Blame the Consumable Seller? Ask them to increase their price so that it would be more expensive than repair?

Been playing since Vanilla. Farming gold is part of the game to sustain game activities like Dungeon, Raid or PvP. Just logging to Raid without preparing for Gold for expenses from Repairs, enchants and consumables? It is the same up to now.

Token sales is the answer you’re looking for.

Am I understanding this correctly? Are the masses having to go to third party gold seller sites because they can’t afford repair bills?

Is this just simply not true? or am I personally the greatest and most skilled player that doesn’t have to buy gold?

What’s happening?!